Grid Teetering – Coming Sooner Than You Think?


It was close to a decade ago when I saw this video by Bill Whittle:


Lights Out! The Chaos When Our Grid Goes Down | Bill Whittle



An EMP Attack on America? | Frontpage Mag

An Electromagnetic Pulse Catastrophe | Frontpage Mag

Now, I’ve known about EMP for quite a while, but general threats to the grid never really occurred to me to be a real and significant danger absent something like that.  But the security and stability of our electric grid are getting more attention now.  For example, Russia’s recent attacks on Ukraine’s power system drew the attention of the (formerly) notable 60 Minutes (video, 13 minutes).

Dennis Quaid’s documentary is, IMHO, also a must-watch:



The Truth About The Power Grid Outage Risk in America ( (video, about 12 minutes)

Even absent ill intent, our bailing-wire, duct-tape-and-chewing-gum grid is surprisingly fragile.  Add in ill intent and the danger is dire.  For example, I drive around and I see totally-unguarded transmission line towers and transformer stations.  At best there’s a simple chain link fence around the latter.

A Mad Max Nation with No Electrical Grid | Frontpage Mag (bolding added):

But is it really too much to imagine ISIS, which has repeatedly threatened the homeland, carefully studying the three connected American grids and their vulnerabilities? Why would ISIS not, let us surmise, make plans to dispatch nine small teams, inserted from the porous Mexican border, to the key transmission substations, which would then plant bombs under cover of darkness set to detonate at a specific time? Such an event would not be “another 911.” Such an event would be a soft kill on the United States of America.

From later in that same article (link in the original, bolding added):

According to yet another damning study, “Most substations sit out in the open protected only by a simple chain-link fence. All but a few high voltage lines are also in the open.”

Now, I’ve never been in the military, but even I can see how attacking a nation’s electric grid – a nation so dependent on electricity as we are – would be child’s play given the lack of security.  Honestly, I’m surprised it hasn’t happened already – at least, not more than the incidents we’ve seen.  Such as (same article, bolding added):

In an April 2013 probing action, unknown terrorists attacked the Pacific Gas & Electric’s transmission substation in Metcalf, California. One terrorist crawled into an underground vault to cut the telephone lines for help. Then a squad of gunmen fired “more than 100 shots and knocked out 17 transformers.” The shooters took their time, blasting away for almost a whole hour, before police finally showed up and the terrorists melted away. The attack caused millions of dollars in damage and required 27 days before the small transformers were replaced and back online.

And how many ISIS-minded people do we have now thanks to The Potato’s open borders?  Chinese SpecOps posing as migrants?  Other hostiles?  Not thousands coming in… tens of thousands.



One more thing – if the grid is taken down nationally, restarting it is not just a matter of flicking on a switch even if there is power in localized areas… and what if those local areas can be predicted and have agents to shut it down again?


What Is A Black Start Of The Power Grid?







“This COMFIRMS the power grid will COLLAPSE and no one is ready” | Redacted with Clayton Morris



Many, including essays on the Grok, have mentioned the growing EV demand for power (video, about 15 minutes).  I’d never considered the added strain by the millions streaming into the country across our southern non-border, but that’s an excellent point.  (Aside: if they’re that dirt poor, how do virtually all of them have smart phones?)

This is not just an American problem.  “Big Green” climate-scam-driven commitments are causing shortages of power all over Western Europe.  Australia is issuing warnings about its own grid stability:

🇦🇺 Warning for NSW and Victoria residents to brace for blackouts this summer| things to get worse over the next decade….cant supply enough electricity for your air conditioner but no worries,go out and buy an electric car



Worldwide.  All with the same timing: this year.  Weird, right?  Why it’s like there is a goal of answering the 7.3 billion person question.




I want to be clear before I conclude.  I think this is a likely, indeed very likely, thing that’s coming – but IMHO it’s not inevitable.  Be that as it may, understanding what COULD go south is the first step in preparing for it or, if we had a political class that would work on it rather than lining their own pockets, preventing it.

So, concluding… electricity is much more than lights.  It’s refrigeration.  It’s water pressure (even for us with a well, we need electricity to get it up from the depths).  It’s fuel pumping.  It’s communication.  It’s heating and air conditioning.  The list of what electricity does in our modern world is almost endless.  But that’s just in our personal lives.

Factories require reliable power.  Subways and public transportation require reliable power.  Workplaces of all types require reliable power.  City life, as we have it now, requires reliable power.  Employment and modern healthcare and so much more require reliable power.  And we’re about to have that reliability crash.

That will, indeed, be a “total transformation of America”; backwards, to the pre-electric era, but a transformation nonetheless.  Just as promised by the former still-current President.  Do not doubt, when it happens, that it was planned.



    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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