Massachusetts Houses Children and Pedophiles Together … Again!

Steve MacDonald

If you need a poster child for the incompetence of a bloated government, Massachusetts would have to be at the top of any list of candidates. Yes, Hawaii and California are bad, but they lack the tenure of the Bay State. Once the cradle of liberty, it has long since devolved into an aged ineptitude its younger upstarts can’t quite match.

Massachusetts may not be as woke or as “crazy-liberal” as the Left Coast or the Islands, but it has been pursuing Democrat decline for longer than either. The time has allowed it to build layer upon layer of densely packed special interests doing business as public servants. A cancerous growth that is unresponsive to treatment, not that it was ever anything approaching operable.

The faces change, but the crime family of state government remains the same, with apologies to organized crime, which would never survive if they were this incompetent.

Headline: Blue State Housed Migrant Children In Hotels With Sex Offenders

A Massachusetts agency reportedly housed homeless and migrant families with young children in the same hotels as registered sex offenders, according to the Boston Globe.

The state placed hundreds of homeless migrant families in at least six locations with sex offenders convicted of crimes against children, including pornography, rape and assault, the Boston Globe reported. Democratic Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey’s Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities rejected the outlet’s requests for information on sex offenders, but said after the outlet identified offenders that the agency checks shelters against the registry every six months.

It is no secret that the third world is unloading its prisons and exporting its inmates to America, and the Biden administration is helping them get here and there and everywhere. Most of the rising crime in Burlington, Vermont, appears to be a product of its sanctuary city status and the influx of foreign gangs, drugs, and disparate cultures.

Blue cities and states are overwhelmed, cutting services to address the basic needs of these misnamed “migrants” at the expense of the minorities who are watching slack-jawed as invaders get better treatment than they do.

Democrats have been screwing their constituents forever, but we rarely get to see this level of escalation such that those getting screwed recognize it as something Democrats are doing to them.

In the case of Massachusetts, the child/predator issue isn’t new. The state has a history of claiming only it can protect families while doing what it can to undermine its claim. Two recent examples:

(2020) Rapist Freed by the Massachusetts Bail Fund Arrested Again for Rape (Kidnapping and Assault)

(2019) State Housed Displaced Children in Facility with Convicted Sex Offender

“The safety and wellbeing of the 7,500 families in Emergency Assistance shelter is a priority for our administration,” a spokesman for the agency, Keven Connor, told the Boston Globe. “We will continue to take all possible steps to ensure the safety of EA residents and carefully review any situation that comes before us to act quickly to protect families.”

Families in locations with sex offenders, like at the Baymont Hotel, where a man convicted of “repeatedly and indecently assaulting” a girl under 14 is reportedly living or at the Colonial Traveler Inn, where an offender convicted of rape and child abuse is reportedly living, did not seem to be notified, the outlet reported.

Talk about leaving plenty of room for sorry, but we did our best. All possible steps.

It is a tragedy that children will be irreparably harmed because the state’s best isn’t good enough, but the state’s best is never good enough, and the voters can’t seem to connect those dots in any meaningful way that would convince them to behave differently at the ballot box.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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