Ronna To MSNBC … You Should NOT Be Surprised

MSNBC (NBC), CNN, ABC, CBS, etc. want you to hear from Republicans … FAUX-Republicans whose role is to attack real Republicans. Stated somewhat differently, a real Republican would never get a gig on the Regime-media because the Regime-media is advocacy not journalism and their role is to advocate for the Regime and against the opposition.

What should get real Republicans concerned … IRATE, actually … is NOT that Ronna is going to MSNBC, but that Ronna was the head of the RNC for so long. How can you expect to win elections when the person in charge of winning elections despises most of the candidates that she is supposed to get elected?

The donor class controls the GOP; they would rather control the GOP than have the wrong Republicans … i.e., real Republicans … control Congress or the Presidency. Just yesterday I watched Trey Gowdy bloviating like a lunatic on Faux News not about the latest minibus betrayal of Republican voters, but about the removal of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker.

The NHGOP is a caricature. GOP voters renominated as their gubernatorial candidate a FAUX-Republican who despises actual Republican principles THREE TIMES. But … I know, I know … “he’s good on guns and taxes.”

The current NHGOP gubernatorial primary involves a former U.S. Senator who became a mini-me Jeannie-Shaheenie over the course of her term and supported AMNESTY for illegals versus a State Senator who voted to codify Obamacare into State law. But the NHGOP’s “leaders” tell us they are “solid conservatives” who will protect the “New Hampshire Advantage.”

New Hampshire Advantage! Slava Ukraine! New Hampshire Advantage! Slava Ukraine!


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