We’re Not That Stupid, Mikey … Biden Was Never “That Guy”

At least, Mikey Graham is FINALLY being honest about it … he and his ilk helped elect Biden in 2020. But he is NOT being honest about WHY. The real reason is that Donald Trump represented (and still represents) an existential threat to the grift of “traditional Republicans,” to use Mikey’s euphemism for the country-club elitists like McConnell, Sununu, Ayotte, etc.:

Biden was never “that guy,” AND, more importantly, a student of politics like Mikey knows that. For his entire career, Biden has trafficked in lies and character assassination. A few examples: In 1987, he turned the name BORK into a verb (borking) via his character assassination of arguably the most qualified nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court in the twentieth century: Robert Bork. And that was shortly after he withdrew from the Democrat Presidential primary for plagiarizing and lying.

Fast forward to 2020: It was apparent that Biden did NOT “want[] to bring back normalcy.” For example, during the Democrat primary, he expressly promised to open the Southern border and to destroy the domestic fossil fuel industry. Mikey is simply attempting to rewrite history.

Mikey and his ilk supported Biden in 2020 because Trump did NOT play by the rules. His real “crimes” were actually attempting to close the border, actually getting economically tough o China (i.e. tariffs) and NOT starting any new endless wars. That is why Mikey and his ilk sat by silently and secretly applauded the Deep State conducting a soft coup against Trump for four years.

That is why Mikey pretended AND still pretends that the 2020 election was NOT rigged … you will NEVER hear Mikey and his ilk mention Zuckerbucks, censorship (laptop), misinformation (Russia bounties, etc.), drop-boxes, unverifiable mail-in ballots, etc., etc., etc.. They needed to pretend that 2020 was a legitimate election in order to finally dispatch Trump and go back to their grift.

But just keep pretending that Mikey Sununu and Ayotte are on “your side” because they have an “R” after their names.


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