Meet the Doctor Who’s Fighting the COVID Oppression Machine

An unassuming 72-year-old Maine physician named Meryl Nass has gripped the COVID-19 misinformation bull by its poisoned horns.  Maine’s physician licensing board suspended her from practicing in a blatant push to silence her right to free speech in a medical field in which Meryl holds special expertise.

Meryl Nass has filed a sharp-fanged lawsuit to bring this overreaching regulatory body to account.  The lengths to which Maine’s licensing board has gone to silence this tiger woman reveals the complete folly of the government-controlled COVID-19 narrative.

Who Is Doctor Nass?

Meryl Nass began her MIT education while still a teenager.  She is an acknowledged medical expert on man-made epidemics, including her seminal work in Rhodesia’s 1978 anthrax outbreak, which she proved was due to biological warfare in 1992.  Dr. Nass cares deeply about her patients, reflected in her humble intensity, precise analysis, prolific writing, and passionate determination to speak truth to farcical regulators who overstep their authority.

Maine’s Board of Licensure in Medicine (BOLIM) organized its campaign to silence Dr. Nass early.  After all, she had raised doubts about COVID-19 origins, the efficacy of masks, and the safety of vaccines.  She had also dared prescribe anti-viral drugs that the government had discouraged without evidence of harm, before there were official therapies (vaccines) available.  It was not just regular Joes on social media who were not permitted to question the official narrative; it was doctors with advanced knowledge and expertise in these very fields.

Maine’s Weapons of Nass Destruction

Maine’s Kafkaesque attack on the distinguished Dr. Nass is comical in its absurdity.  Dr. Nass has consistently defied efforts to hinder her ability to provide optimal patient care.  She forwarded copies of her public testimony before the New Hampshire Legislature to the Board, in which she challenged the Big Pharma fear-porn mantra.

At one point, she misrepresented a COVID-infected patient’s illness to a pharmacist as Lyme Disease to secure medication (available for Lyme sufferers but not available to COVID-19 patients due to unwritten threats to pharmacists from state health agencies!), and then she immediately wrote to the Maine authorities and informed them of what she had done — and what a travesty it was that she should have to jump through such obscene hoops to save lives.

And so the State of Maine went after her full force, for allegedly lying in violation of ethics rules as well as spreading misinformation and prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.  But Dr. Nass lied to a pharmacist to save a patient.  Must a lawyer similarly reveal confidential information about her client to state agencies upon request, even when sworn to protect that client’s rights?  In either profession, it is ridiculous to claim a paramount duty that overrides the primary directive for the client/patient.

In contrast, Maine’s BOLIM deliberately misrepresented the excessive expert witness fees it paid its primary expert witness who testified against Dr. Nass to another state agency, which is a fraudulent diversion of taxpayer money.  Dr. Nass’s complaint recites:

96. According to documents obtained from the BOLIM under the Maine Freedom of Access Act, in order to secure the payments to pay Dr. Faust, the BOLIM represented to the Maine Department of Procurement Services in its Blanket Contract Justification & Amendment Form that experts are paid a “maximum” of $175 per hour for time attending hearing and $125 hour for consultation and preparation time. When making those representations to another Maine state agency, the BOLIM had already paid Dr. Faust $10,500 at his $500 per hour rate and intended to continue paying Dr. Faust $500 per hour for future services[.] … The fact that the BOLIM is violating its own expert witness policies and misleading another Maine state agency substantiates its retaliatory animus against Dr. Nass.

The Board issued a position statement early in the pandemic warning that questioning official (Big Pharma– and WHO-dictated?) edicts about vaccines or alternative therapies would be considered unethical, claiming:

Assessments and treatments of Covid-19 by physicians and physician assistants will be evaluated by the BOLIM in the same manner it evaluates assessments and treatments of any other disease process. Treatments and recommendations regarding Covid-19 that fall below the standard of care as established by medical experts and legitimate medical research are potentially subject to disciplinary action. Similarly, a physician or physician assistant who issues a vaccine exemption without conducting an appropriate examination and without a finding of a legitimate medical reason supporting such an exemption within the standard of care may be placing their licenses at risk of disciplinary action.

But assessments and treatments for COVID-19 were not evaluated in the same manner as other diseases, for which physicians are commonly allowed latitude to use off-label drugs to seek effective therapies.  This common practice was jettisoned during the pandemic, as officials who could not possibly know whether alternative therapies were effective prevented patients from receiving any care at all while they awaited the vaunted jab.  Maine’s BOLIM also tightened regulatory oversight of medical exemptions, investigating and punishing doctors for issuing medical waivers for COVID vaccines, despite Maine law permitting doctors to freely issue medical waivers.  And when Meryl Nass got uppity, Maine’s BOLIM mandated that she undergo a psychiatric examination in a failed effort to torment and discredit her, as well as to generate the evidence needed to justify suspending her license.

Maine’s actions against the hero Nass are hardly isolated incidents.  A cohesive messaging plan accompanied the spread of COVID-19, rolled out in concert, evidently pre-planned.  Dr. Nass’s case is a textbook display of government regulatory overreach, exposing Maine’s BOLIM as a captured agency that represents the best interest of not the public but corporate purveyors of dubious products.

Dr. Nass’s August 16 complaint against the Board alleges that Maine’s BOLIM violated her First Amendment and other rights under both the U.S. and Maine Constitutions, defiantly proclaiming:

Dr. Nass intends to enjoy her free speech rights, including engaging in speech critical of the governmental handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine, alternative treatments for COVID-19, and the BOLIM’s pretextual effort to punish her for her speech. 112. Dr. Nass has a reasonable, objective fear of prosecution under 32 M.R.S. § 3282 for her speech. The Position Statement expressly threatens doctors with disciplinary action if they “generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation.” The BOLIM carried through on that threat by prosecuting Dr. Nass for criticizing the COVID-19 vaccine and the governmental response to the pandemic. Even now, the BOLIM continues with an overzealous and pretextual effort to suspend her medical license on trivial and baseless grounds.

Warrior Nass Will Not Be Silenced!

Meryl Nass and her attorneys are on the front lines of an information battle about a disease that is simultaneously a constitutional fracas about our rights to even have a discussion about what treatments a doctor can provide to a patient, absent government interference.  Future health care, the doctor-patient relationship, and citizens’ rights hang in the balance.

Fortunately, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit just ruled that the Biden administration compromised First Amendment liberties by quashing so-called “COVID misinformation.”  First Amendment liberties should not be squashed by the government against which the Constitution was erected as defense — certainly not by corrupt bureaucrats who stifle scientific inquiry and ethical patient care.  A medical degree is not required to know the vital importance of free thought.  Meryl Nass, the mouse that roared, roars for us all.

Join the opposition, and learn truths about globalist plans to dominate humanity, at Dr. Nass’s website,


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

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