Update on Alex Jones’s “Defamation” of Sandy Hook Families, and the Maureen Crowley Quote

 Upfront disclosure: I [Mary Maxwell] have a slight personal prejudice against Alex Jones’ InfoWars show. In 2006, I was campaigning for a seat in Congress with the theme “9/11 was an inside job.” Infowars invited me to speak about this on the radio. They told me what I should say.

When I explained that this was not what I wanted to say, they summarily hung up on me!

My Unreality book mentions several Sandy Hook deniers: Prof James Fetzer, Prof James Tracy, ex-trooper Wolfgang Halbig, the late Prof Winfield Abbe, the late media critic William Shanley, the late Robert Steele, and not-yet-late me. Mainstream media has avoided mentioning us. Presumably, they would not want it known that serious scholars doubted the Sandy Hook tragedy.

We want to thank Mary Maxwell for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

But suddenly, there are many stories about Alex Jones having recently been ordered to pay $450 million in damages to Len Pozner, (and possibly some money to another Sandy Hook dad, Neil Heslin). To say that the threat to all journalists is ‘chilling’ is an understatement. It even chills “thoughtcrime.”

The deceit is that MSM implies that Jones lost in court by having his hoax claim refuted.  No, not at all. The matter did not even come up for discussion! The judge in Texas made a default judgment, as Jones did not cooperate in delivering financial papers.

(Let’s say A sues B for vandalism.  B does not show up in court. The judge can, and usually does, award the repair money to A.)

As for James Fetzer, he received a summary judgement (see Addendum above). This is not the same as a default judgement. Fetzer was sued by Pozner — for defamation and hurt feelings — which Fetzer could have defended himself against. He wanted to open the issue of the child’s death certificate, but the judge did not let him. The public does not know of this and assumes Fetzer lost. “Must have been a good death certificate after all.” So people think Fetzer is being properly punished!

Elizabeth Williamson of the New York Times has the chutzpah to use the word “truth” in the title of her new, deceptive book: Sandy Hook: an American Tragedy and the Battle for Truth.” A blurb:


“Based on hundreds of hours of research, interviews, and access to exclusive sources and materials, Sandy Hook is Elizabeth Williamson’s landmark investigation of the aftermath of a school shooting, the work of Sandy Hook parents who fought to defend themselves, and the truth of their children’s fate against the frenzied distortions of online deniers and conspiracy theorists.”


Goodness, gracious!  (Just for the record, since I am a conspiracy theorist: I don’t distort, and I’m not the least bit frenzied.)

So was there a trial for Jones? Well, yes, same as for Fetzer. After the judges, without benefit of jury, made their rulings against both men, juries had to be called up in order to assess how much money Pozner should receive. Note: Prof Fetzer has to pay an additional $600,000 for breaking a non-disclosure agreement.)

Williamson’s book came out on March 8, 2022. It got a “top review” on March 10 by a person named MN:

“A compelling survey of the lunatic fringe that rose through social media over the last ten years. Most Americans were stunned on 1/6, taken unawares by the dark forces that suddenly washed up on the [Capiyol] steps. The Newtown parents and family members portrayed in this book were not; Jones had been tormenting them for years, for no better reason than to sell supplements to gullible marks, and because their pain didn’t matter to him.”

On March 13, 2022, an anonymous reviewer at Amazon said:

“I’ve heard friends start saying some of these theories, and I could not figure out how on earth they could say some of this nonsense with a straight face. Thank you for explaining where this came from and the important steps people are taking to fight misinformation and hate.”

I am hoping that those reviews came from “the troops” and were paid.

The Maureen Crowley Quote

In an appendix to my book Unreality: Sandy Hook Messes Minds, I quoted Prof Winfield Abbe of the University of Georgia.  He, in turn, quoted a Connecticut woman, Maureen Crowley, who — he said — published “An Essay on Sandy Hook” online on August 29, 2016. I don’t like third-hand items, but I will run this now as it contains the unique remark that organized crime had a hand in Sandy Hook. See what you think. This is, allegedly, from Crowley:


“Yes, it is my opinion that organized crime paid a huge role in pulling off the Sandy Hook Hoax. And when I dropped off this essay at the offices of Catholic Bishop Tobin in Providence, in 2015, he called the Rhode Island State Police, who then called to interrogate me. Here is a slightly updated version of the essay:

“Who on earth originally would have reason to not trust the heads of a state police department. or in their wildest dreams believe these law enforcement officers would be integral in taking a TOPOFF (stands for top official) Capstone Drill, and passing it off as a mass casualty event? It seemed inconceivable they were utilizing the federal agencies of DHS, FBI, FEMA, etc. for a massive fraud that also made use of, in my opinion, organized crime in Connecticut, to implement a massive agenda, of which gun control was but one component?…

Sandy Hook researcher and retired Florida Safe School Commissioner Wolfgang Halbig, got threatened at his own home in Florida, at the behest of Conn. State Police, not once but twice. His wife has been threatened where she works.

NY resident Jonathan Reich was arrested and hit with a $50,000 bond for legitimately asking questions of Connecticut medical examiner Wayne Carver, as to how bill 1054 got passed in Ct. in 2011, that prohibited autopsies of juvenile murder victims from being made public.

A schoolteacher in NY, Adam Heller, who legally purchased a firearm, was met at his home by seven policemen, then tossed into a mental institution. He lost his job for questioning Sandy Hook. Connecticut State Police Major William Podgorski — a lead investigator into Sandy Hook — who was privy to extensive FBI redaction of documents, received minor surgery, then was transferred from Bristol Hospital to Yale’s New Haven facility. 49 years old and the father of three children, Podgorski shockingly died, and there was NO mention whatsoever in Connecticut mass media, of his connection to the investigation of Sandy Hook, or his cause of death.

My discus account has been blocked from commenting on the New Haven Register page about his death.

Many participants in the scam have retired, as well. The school is sawdust, with construction workers employed in its demolition forced to sign non-disclosure agreements. No footage whatsoever of “Adam” on the newly acquired school security system. Columbine is still intact, and there’s plenty of video footage of shooters Klebold and Harris.

I will also point out that there are tweeted pictures of Danbury Fire fighters, police cars, and fire engines filling up the parking lot of the firehouse (several feet away from Sandy Hook Elementary School) tweeted at 9:13 AM. — yet “Adam Lanza” according to the official report, did not arrive at the school until 9:30, with calls for ambulances going right up until 10:05.

There are even reports of the media filling up the very large local ball park, Treadwell Memorial, as early as 7 A.M.!”.  Citizens had the fear of God instilled in them to utter a peep if the school was closed lest they might not wake up in the morning.” [Emphasis added]



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