Wands of Myth

We grew up with many myths. We had Jason and the Argonauts, the Medusa, Atlas, Hercules, and gods like Mercury and Wotan. But, following Schliemann’s discovery of Troy, when combined with more recent excavations, it appears that much of what Homer wrote about Troy has moved from myth to history.

With the possible exception being Atlantis, which was most likely the volcanic island of Thera in the Aegean Sea inhabited by mortals instead of that vast continent beyond the Pillars of Hercules in the Atlantic inhabited by gods so aptly described in song by Donovan.

Today, however, we have reverted to being ruled by myths.

We are told that Joe Biden is a vigorous far-sighted US President who keeps his finger attuned to our needs and who protects our incredible Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, and who was fairly elected by somewhere over 80 million legal folk.

As we learn more every day, the 2020 election was rife with fraud and with skewed voting machine models which had been used to help elect foreign dictators like Hugo Chavez in Venezuela.

The machines from Dominion/Smartmatic are easily accessible to online fiddling ,with their totals and tinkering with individual ballots. Ballot harvesting, combined with easily controlled voting machines whose vice president is the husband of our currently benighted Vice President, was an abomination. Thankfully, the latter is being reined in by state courts who view this caper as unconstitutional. But the sandstone myth that Joe Biden was elected fairly remains ever-present.

Today, ERIC, the supposedly fair way to gather and collate voting information, seems to be an increasing myth, paid for by an “anonymous” donor who increasingly appears to be George Soros, a man ceaseless in his attempts to destroy our “perfect union.”

Joe Biden, despite four anti-Covid vaccinations and an in-house doctor that only the one-worlders like John Kerry and Bill “Willy Wonka” Gates can afford, has recently left quarantine for the disease he said he’d stamp out, another myth. Nope, Sleepy Joe, as the far more healthy and endlessly active Donald Trump calls our President, is visibly failing, in mental capacity, competence, and temper, before our very eyes while we are treated to the myth of Joe’s robustness.

Additionally, it appears ever more likely that “Dr.” Jill Biden shares the throne with others, unlike the myth that our strongman rules alone and determines our foundering ship of state’s rhumb line all the time like that masterful and merciful Captain of both testaments. Biden’s puppeteers are rumored to be Barack Obama and George Soros, thanks to his billions of dollars and his myriad 521(c) 3 tax dodging organizations, who sends his son Alexander to keep the Democrat cognoscenti in congruence with George’s every thought and whim.

George Soros “owns” the Democrat Party today much as Hillary Clinton did then when she allowed “Li’l” Debbi Wasserman-Schultz, or Wasserdorf-Schmaltz as I once saw scrawled in a cartoon, to pay her back on an installment plan for her loaned largesse needed to bail out a bankrupt DNC.

Sadly, another myth is “equal liberty and justice for all.” Many of the Republicans, who were waived forward into the Capitol on 1/6 by FBI agents and Capitol cops, an activity even the limited AOC has demanded answers for, still lounge in a DC gaol. But Democrat staffers from Stephen Colbert, who later invaded the Capitol at night and cut capers around and threatened late working Republican legislators, were not prosecuted for their trespassing. Far left hooligans – good; honest folk – bad.

The foregoing must also be viewed in juxtaposition to the lack of any kind of federal investigation into seemingly endless summer insurrections of 2020. Another key myth, pushed valiantly by Democrats pols and solons alike and echoed by the slavish far left cheerleaders in their yellow dog press, is that Antifa doesn’t exist and is just a figment of the tortured imaginations of the right. This is patently ridiculous and one need only follow the tribulations of journalist Andy Ngo, who was thrashed repeatedly by these nearly anonymous ‘men in black’, to see right through this myth of non-existence.

Further, deeper in the justice myth, turn your weary eyes to those whose Soros’ money was instrumental in getting elected as local district attorneys. Chesa Boudin, the unrepentant son of American terrorists in San Francisco, and far left George Gascon, who has allowed criminals free reign in Los Angeles, believe that the rights of criminals, even violent criminals, must always trump the rights of honest hard working victims in every case and caper. Always!

My favorite yet highly hokey myth is that the so called “trans” population who identify as women really are and we, in the name of the justice and equality endlessly circumvented by the left, are supposed to believe this bunk lock stock and barrel. Take the infamous swimmer Lia Thomas who was a guy not too long ago. He/she/them prides himself in swimming faster than the little women sans his physique.

Lastly, a myth is employed across our fair but granite state that our DC representatives, “Magster” Hassan, Chris “Flap Jack” Pappas and dear little Annie Kuster actually represent our interests and deliberately weigh our needs – limited budgets, equal protection under law and fair elections – before every vote. But they don’t. Their easily accessible voting records prove they don’t and their silence when questioned about DC’s rot arising from the foregoing prove their collusion with the myths.

Yup, simply by employing the wand of myth, laws are equally enforced on all – the rich and powerful Democrats and the kulaks, men become women, doddering old fools become learned and act with prudence, noted imbeciles are elected with vast unheard of majorities, electronic voting machines always trump paper ballots for fairness and ease of access, AOC is a bright light in a dim far left galaxy, a recession is not a recession if simply redefined here an there and the liberal Democrat Party actually cares for the people’s, as in “We the People”, welfare ahead of their attaining raw absolute power to enrich themselves with legal and illegal emoluments gleaned from their offices above us.

“Wands of Myth” are available on many Chinese retail sites for a nominal cost should one of us kulaks require one

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