Speaker of the House, the 22nd Amendment and Impeachment


There is a growing intensity in dialogue among many Americans expressing wishes that Congress would impeach both Biden and Kamala.

Though I am only speculating, I do think it is a possibility if America First, true Constitutionalists retake majorities in both the US House and US Senate.

By briefly examining the Congressional requirements for becoming Speaker of the House and the content of the 22nd amendment, one can see that Trump could pursue this route, Constitutionally, if he so chose to.

The US Constitution Laws allow the House to nominate candidates for Speaker of the House and elect them by a simple majority when the position becomes vacant or there is a change in the majority party. However, what is interesting is that the Speaker does not have to be an elected House member. The House can nominate an individual, or an outsider, in the same way, they vote in an already elected member. Read Election of the Speaker Overview – US Constitution – LAWS.com to view these requirements in more detail.

We want to thank Ryan Bennett for this Op-Ed.
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You know that saying “there is a first time for everything?” You just never know when the first time a House Speaker can be elected from outside the chamber. This means, if Trump decides to pursue a Speaker of the House route, he can do so as a private citizen or by running for Florida US House Rep and be elected internally.

I would like to think, with Trump as Speaker of the House, impeachment proceedings against Biden would initiate extremely fast, followed by a swift 2/3 of the Senate conviction. I can also imagine Congress doing the same to Kamala immediately after she becomes President to prevent her from nominating a new Vice President.

With midterms coming up, this possibility can become more likely if true conservatives take back the House and Senate. Given the revelations coming out about Hunter’s laptop with all the perverted and foreign pay-to-play schemes on it and Kamala’s treasonous dealings combined with a sleeping giant awakening, the likelihood of a fast, swift impeachment is not far-fetched to fathom.

What is even greater speculation, with a more conspiracy theorist twist to it, is if Trump used the Speaker of the House and the Constitution’s line of succession to climb his way to President. Though I do not think the Constitution explicitly accounts for a scenario of both the President and Vice President being unable to perform their duties simultaneously, it allows Congressional procedures to have the final say, which would be beneficial for a conservative House and Senate majority.

In addition to Speaker of the House qualifications, the 22nd amendment to the US Constitution is also worth examining. It limits the number of years a president may serve to 10 years. It specifically states that no person can be elected to the office more than twice, or a person who has already served as President or serves for more than 2 years of a term of which another president was elected to only be elected for one more full term. For more information on this please refer to 22nd Amendment – Definition, Examples, Cases, Processes (legaldictionary.net).

So, let’s break this down.  Trump has already served one full term. Though we know the 2020 election was rigged, he vacated the defunct vassal state of DC, left it to an installed Biden regime (for strategic purposes, in my opinion). If Trump ascends to the Presidency again before 2024 through Speaker of the House, the 2023 and 2024 years make those 6 years total. That still leaves Trump with the Constitutional power to serve another full term of 4 years, if elected, in 2024.

Now, I am not saying this will happen, and if any of this did, it may not all happen in the way I am imagining it.  However, this timeline could be possible, if planned, executed with surgical precision, which Trump is more than capable of doing. Let’s pray and hope, but only time will tell.




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