From the “Pass it To Find Out What’s In It File” – MA Voters Accidentally Ban* Eggs

Have to hand it to voters down in MA for their morals and integrity. Yup, they overwhelmingly voted for and passed an animal protection measure that no one bothered to look at closely (well, it sounded so good, right?).

It excludes the sale of eggs from hens that didn’t have at least 1.5 sq. ft. in their enclosures. The egg industry experts are predicting supplies of eggs in MA will drop by about 90% unless the State legislators react very quickly to amend this brilliant (sarcasm intended) measure.

It’s another one of those, it sounds so good ideas from leftist politicians, like shutting down oil pipelines and such.

As always there’s an “oops” built-in.

If they don’t, folks can say goodbye to those sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast thingies at their favorite fast food on the way to the workplace.

Less likely, there will be none at home either unless someone crosses a state line for a dozen of the likely highly overpriced little darlings.

This is what happens when people blindly go along with professional politicians trying to look and sound good rather than doing their job of checking the details of bills and measures.

Embarrassing isn’t it?

Aside from just egg lovers, this measure will affect egg farms, distributors, markets, and the aforementioned restaurants and fast food industry. Yea, but it sounded so good!

Laughing out loud.

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