I Heard Back from the Hanover School District – But Not from Janice “I’m Interrupting You” Starkey


After hurling her invective (“I’m interrupting you. You are not allowed to talk. People like you that have views like you are not allowed to do what you’re doing, I’ve been trained to interrupt you.“) at Daniel Richards, I posted my lament – that I had failed to reach Janice Starkey herself.

Why Can’t I Get A Hold of Janice “I’ve Been Trained to Interrupt You “Starkey?

In that post, I showed the email I sent to April Veracka who is the Finance Manager of SAU 70.

I actually got a response on Friday – rather quickly as well:

—— Original Message ——
From: “April Veracka” <april.veracka@hanovernorwichschools.org>
To: “Skip” <Skip@granitegrok.com>
Sent: 5/21/2021 10:13:08 AM
Subject: Re: Janice Starkey

Good Morning,

I have forwarded your request to our Assistant Superintendent, Robin Steiner.

Thank you and have an amazing day ?


On May 21, 2021, at 10:06 AM, Skip <Skip@granitegrok.com> wrote:
Good morning,

I am reaching out to you about Janice Starkey as I am working on a story on what she allegedly  said to a parent during a PTO Zoom meeting:

“I’m interrupting you. You are not allowed to talk. People like you that have views like you are not allowed to do what you’re doing, I’ve been trained to interrupt you.“

The parent was simply relating that he was in favor of HB544 when the above happened.

I have been trying to reach Janice for a while now and it always seems that she’s unavailable.  Searching the District’s website and knowing her function, may I ask if she reports to you?  If so, may I ask you a few questions about the training that she seems to have been put through and now is using on parents that seemingly disagree with her?

And if you are not, can you direct me to the person that is her manager?

Kindest regards,


Co-Founder, co-owner
NH’s largest and most influential political blogsite in NH


April J. Veracka
Finance Manager
SAU70 ~ Dresden ~ Hanover ~ Norwich School Districts
603.643.6050 x2002

So, we’ll see if Robin Steiner contacts me, and when.

In the meantime, I decided to look at their policies. Pretty much standard across the board BECAUSE it seems that they are mostly lemmings – if the NH School Board Association has a policy on something, pretty much School Boards implement them. Thus, it is fair to say that the NHSBA is in charge of our Educational system than the School Boards. Anyways, with respect to Janice Starkey, here’s a couple of SAU 70 Policies that she is now subject to (emphasis mine):

GBEA – Staff Ethics:

All employees of the District are expected to maintain high standards in their conduct both on and off duty. District employees are responsible for providing leadership in the school and community. This responsibility requires the employee to maintain standards of exemplary conduct. To these ends, the Board adopts the following statements of standards. District employees will adhere to the standards enunciated in this Policy in the decision-making process involving their interactions with students, the school community, colleagues, parents and the public.

A.  Adoption and Incorporation of Standards of Code of Ethics for New Hampshire Educators

The Board incorporates by reference and adopts as independent ethical standards relative to employment in the District, the provisions of the New Hampshire Code of Ethics for New Hampshire Educators (the “NH Code of Ethics”), as the same may be amended by the State from time to time.

B.   Additional Ethical Standards

In addition to the ethical standards set forth in the New Hampshire Code of Ethics, and without limiting the application thereof to District employment, employees will:

  • Make the wellbeing of students the fundamental value of all decision-making and actions.
  • Staff members shall maintain a reasonable standard of care for the supervision, control and protection of students commensurate with their assigned duties and responsibilities.
  • Maintain just, courteous, and proper relationships with students, parents, staff members, and others.
  • Fulfill their job responsibilities with honesty and integrity.
  • Direct any criticism of other staff members toward improving the District. Such constructive criticism is to be made directly to the immediate supervisor.
  • Obey all local, state, and national laws.
  • Obey and implement the School Board’s policies, administrative rules and regulations.
  • Avoid using position for personal gain through political, social, religious, economic, or other influence.
  • Maintain the standards and seek to improve the effectiveness of the profession through research and continuing professional development.
  • Maintain all privacy and confidentiality standards as required by law.
  • Exhibit appropriate conduct both on and off duty.

I dryly note that this was just adopted in Jan 2020. I also dryly note that the behavior of Janice Starkey fails this policy when she basically told Dan Richards to shut up. Leading to this next Policy – GBEB:

A.  General Provisions

All employees have the responsibility to make themselves familiar with, and abide by, the laws of the State of New Hampshire as they affect their work, all policies and decisions of the Board, and the administrative regulations and directives designed to implement them.

Employees are advised that failure to abide by this and other school board policies can lead to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, and can result in non-renewal.  Any action taken regarding an employee’s employment with the District will be consistent with all rules, laws, and collective bargaining agreements, if applicable.

B.  Adoption and Incorporation of Standards of Code of Conduct for New Hampshire Educators

The Board incorporates by reference, and adopts as independent standards of conduct relative to employment in the District, the provisions of the New Hampshire Code of Conduct for New Hampshire Educators (Ed 510.01-510.05) (the “NH Code of Conduct”), as the same may be amended by the State from time to time.  The District reserves the right to take employment action against any employee based upon the District’s interpretation of the provisions of the NH Code of Conduct and the District’s independent assessment of whether an employee has violated said provisions. The District’s interpretation, assessment and/or action thereon, are independent of any interpretation by the New Hampshire Department of Education (“DOE”) with respect to those standards, and irrespective of any investigation by or action taken by the DOE relative to a District employee’s conduct.

Well, it may well be interesting to see how liberal or how exacting the District will be in this case. After all, in a lot of student behavior, many hold to a “Zero Tolerance” standard. Will the District hold to such in policing its own?

And then there is the Hanover Schools that have their own set of policies GBEA and GBEB seem to be very similar to the above so there should be no conflict from one to the other.

But here’s the ticker – Robin Steiner, if I am reading their Policy GBEAB correctly, is not allowed to talk to me:

B.  Reports by Covered Individuals of Suspected Misconduct or Violations

1.  Any Covered Individual having reason to suspect that any other district or SAU employee, designated volunteer, or third party consultant/contractor has violated any provision of the NH Code of Conduct, and or District Policy GBEB, whether on or off duty, shall report the same to such Covered Individual’s building principal, or to the Superintendent.

If the person who is the subject of the alleged misconduct/violation is the Superintendent, then the Covered Individual shall report the suspected violation to the Business Administrator, who is hereby granted authority to consult with the District’s attorney on the matter.

Additionally, if the Covered Individual is also a Credential Holder, he/she shall report the Superintendent’s suspected violation/misconduct directly to the N.H. Department of Education. Likewise, if a Credential Holder has made a report to the Principal and/or the Superintendent, and believes that the District’s reporting procedures as expressed in this policy have not been followed, the Credential Holder shall so notify the New Hampshire Department of Education directly.

2. Covered Individuals are encouraged to make their reports in writing, which includes email. Doing so will provide the Covered Individual with evidence that they have complied with the requirements of this policy and the NH Code of Conduct (if applicable).

Or rather, I may not have to talk to her according to the actual words in the Policy.

But let me ask this – I have made it plain in MY School District that I am going to talk with my Elected Representative that make up the School Board when I detect things that are outright wrong. I WILL not discuss things with our Superintendent anymore (and just search “Kirk Beitler” on GraniteGrok for any number of examples. However, I don’t live in Hanover.

What this, and similar Policies do, is to isolate taxpayers, voters, and parents from talking to School Board members in public or private meetings. They will have public commenting sessions but many have made it clear, that is the time for them to LISTEN – but not to respond back. For that, you have to listen to what your employee, the Superintendent, will tell you.

So, in this case, I’ll end up with the Super. That said, I would GREATLY encourage folks in the Hanover District to start demanding accountability, not from school staff but to go directly to your Representatives.




  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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