I thought I had seen this before….certainly, no astroturf here!

by Skip

OFA Gun Control(Image H/T: Big Government)

Go to that URL and what shows up is that URL but rebranded as “Organizing for America”.  Part of the text there says:

“There’s another simple thing you can do right now to show the overwhelming support for universal background checks. Take the sign and put it somewhere folks will see it–in your window, [or] on your desk.”

Well, I did – er, well I saw that sign here during the WMUR package covering the “National Day to Demand Action” sponsored by “Project for Safer Communities NH”.  Except one thing – it didn’t have the URL at the bottom.  I guess that would have given lie that this was a “bottom up” affair, right?  Don’t the Libs still call TEA Party events “astroturf” (and were and are wrong)?  Given that this has Barack Obama written all over it (well, it DOES!  Just look at it!), how could this be anything but?

Fortunately WMUR did put it up on their video.  Unfortunately it is a different one than what was broadcasted.  Fortunately, it shows the sign much better – can’t embed it but watch at 0:30 here.  Heh!  And to keep from appearing to be an “astroturf” effort, can you just GUESS what isn’t on the sign on the WMUR video?

So why can’t *I* make Barack Obama disappear just as easily?

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