Reminder – We’re Still Making Some Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch Changes… (Growing Pains, Edition)

Last month I announced a few backend changes with an eye on improving page load speeds. We’re still doing that, and it’s working. We have also moved a few things and removed a few things.

Related: What’s the Next Level For

And why am I telling you this?

The kinks.

Not the English Rock band started by Ray and Dave Davies. You know, Lola, You Really got Me, Sunny Afternoon, Tired of Waiting for You (to get to the point).

Our virtual dust may cause an occasional page error, and I’m never going to learn to code (sorry, Joe), but when I think about it, I see this.



I also get the page errors, and we’re on it, but just refresh, and things go right back to whatever it is that was passing for normal.

  • We added links to the MicroGroks in the mobile version. If you are on, select the menu button on your phone or tablet (top right in Chrome on an Android device) Microgroks is now an option with a drop-down menu to go directly to whichever one you fancy.
  • The Social icons are evolving away from the awful, terrible Twitter and fascistic Facebook to Minds, Gab, and MeWe (more to follow).
  • The Calendar (we sometimes use has moved up in the sidebar (above the fold), and the New Media Militia feature has been removed (no time to populate it, as you will have noticed), so I had it unplugged.
  • We’re still pondering Podcasts and other options on the content side but no immediate changes.
  • And yes, we are still developing an App, if not a bit more slowly than we’d like.

We’d move faster, but work and life intrude when this is not your work and life, and it is not. This is, for those who did not know, our hobby. So, thank you to everyone for the donations that continue to make all of this possible because we have to pay people who are also very busy to make most of this happen.

We appreciate your time and attention and will do our best to earn both every day.


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