Left Continues to Demand Segregation in the Name of (Wait for It) Diversity

They should change the word University to Diversity. ‘You attending Diversity next year?’ “Yes. For a million dollars a year I can major in Left-Handed Albino Lesbian Studies (LHALS). And I’ve demanded a segregated dorm.” Yes, this is what the left means by diversity.

Related: In the Name of Diversity Campus Protesters Demand Segregation: Same-Race Roommates

[Sen.] Cotton and Loeffler point out two recent examples in the letter to Barr. The first involves online discussion groups hosted by the University of Michigan that were segregated based on race, with moderators also segregated by race.

Situated in Ann Arbor, the school is ranked third nationally among all public universities and has an enrollment of around 31,500. The events, sponsored by the campus Center for Social Justice and Inclusion, were advertised as “virtual cafes” that offered opportunities for students to gather and discuss their experience on campus and in the world as members of a particular racial group.

The series of discussions included separate events for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (known as BIPOC) and “non-POC”, or white students.

“In plain English, the University of Michigan appears to have created ‘whites-only’ and ‘non-whites-only’ events, in a manner reminiscent of the doctrine of racial segregation overturned by Brown v. Board of Education,” the senators’ letter states.

This, in case you want some sort of Election-connection, is Biden world. A government top-heavy with, run by, and for people with degrees in race and gender studies. Be afraid.

There is a sticking point, of course. If students create these environments and choose to self-segregate, that’s not against the law. Tribalism as a form of association is a protected right. Refusing to allow people to self-segregate would be as bothersome as forcing them to integrate when they have no desire to do that.

I happen to be a fan of integration by choice and mixed everything because it goes hand in hand with truly free speech, association, innovation, and exploration. Human beings have most everything in common such that dwelling on the few things that make us different denies us opportunities for the greatness of growth and understanding.

Government mandates in either direction are counterproductive and dehumanizing.

But Post-Modern Theory and its identity politics of diversity and inclusion mean to take all of us in the wrong direction. And colleges and universities are run by these a-holes who are reprogramming your kids to be bigger a-holes.

The world could do with fewer not more but we’ve ceded most of that ground with online learning perhaps being our sliver of a chance to reclaim some portion of higher education for learning instead of indoctrination.

There are too few physical institutions that have not been ruined by the left.

As for U of M and other colleges, parents need to stop sending kids into these mental meat grinders or, if they must, give them acting lessons so they can pretend their way to a degree in something the nation needs.

More segregationist post-western world without whiteness doctors and Fellows is not one of those.

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