Promoted from the Comments – “NH is actually not a good place to raise kids anymore.”

by Skip

I think this needs a bit more play. It is about folks that feel NH is moving away from their deep roots. So we are promoting this comment is from NHNative. It was under Ann Marie’s post: “Teachers, is Your Profession Becoming Obsolete?”

Related: Unions ‘Using Our Kids as Political Pawns’ for Their ‘Socialist Agenda’”

Not just the fading “Live Free or Die” ethos where Progressives are trying to remake New Hampshire into California (Illinois, New York, or Oregon). Steamrolling “Freedom” until it is nothing more than what the Collective can force upon you.

Brought upon us by those escaping liberal hellholes but don’t yet understand that what they left behind should BE LEFT BEHIND. Emphasis mine (lightly edited):


I was born and raised in NH but now that I am raising kids what I am seeing more and more is that NH is actually not a good place to raise kids anymore. We all certainly know that this is not at all the state we grew up in.

Ann Marie has written about the fact that a good many of us have been driven out of “their” schools and this is absolutely the truth. I’m one of those people, many of us are.

You can either stay there and be force-fed their agenda and Koolaid or you can fight a battle every single day of your life while you are there and trying to deal with it – while your kids are exposed to terrible things.

None of this is good for our health, (or) our kid’s health. And having good health is a darn important thing today with biowarfare at our door and a very screwed up healthcare system. You had damn well better work to preserve everyone’s good mental health in your family or you are screwed.

It’s not good at all for us to be forced to try and survive within a warzone and this is what it actually is for many in schools today and look at how much worse it’s about to get.

So now we are up to our eyeballs in what looks like a government forced against our Will ‘Reset.’

It’s very clear from (Ann Marie’s) article that parents ARE going to have take a much more active role in educating their kids. This is all good. But we are living within the land here of $10,000 property tax bills and many people on one income now. And that one income might not be very big. AND a tax bill today here can be darn near most of an average mother’s salary if she just has a job at a fast-food joint or at ChinaMart.

So, while I see what is happening, I also see a structure in place that was certainly not designed for parents to do what now needs doing for the kids.

So, who is talking about what we need to do here now to reduce the cost of living for families with kids?

I am surrounded by control freak outta-state Liberals that do all they can to shut down everything we have and make our lives a living hell– so is that a good environment to raise kids in??

The more we lose elections here in NH, the more NH is not a good place to raise kids.

Go study Vermont to see what being a one-party state has lead to there– go take a look at their social issues and their educational situation. It will knock your socks off. So, if this is the path we are on, then I think we are going to find that a whole lot of young families leave NH – just like they have left Vermont in droves.

They don’t have only 625,000 people left there (in Vermont) because things are going so great.

My kid’s needs totally cannot be met here where we are now and we ourselves are feeling forced to move.

So this situation is not just about Education at all- it’s about Elections, Power, Control and the future of our state; because no kids=no future. And Vermont sure should show you this

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