Messmer Takes Her Money to Mass ‘cuz Meaningless Mask Mandates Matter More to Mindi

If you are looking for a reason to not vote for NH Democrat Mindi Messmer for anything, she just provided it, proudly. In a recent tweet, she announces that she is taking her money to Massachusetts because they mandated masks in public, and NH did not.

Related:  Climate Socialist Mindi Messmer “Admits” Climate Change is About Socialism

Struggling New Hampshire businesses need every penny they can get, but Mindi 4 MA, which has a much better ring to it if you ask me, is also Mini 4 Masks or Bust. The bust being your local NH Business. No Mask mandate means no money from Mindi. And that’s her choice, but in the context of being free to choose anything, it’s a bit hypocritical.

She doesn’t want anyone in New Hampshire to choose. In fact, she’s using her choice to make a statement about how you should not have one. This from the pro-science candidate who is actually pro-scientism. She is using the so-called unassailability of (progressive) ‘experts’ to manipulate the masses. A class that is wrong so often it is scary like the political response to SARS CoV2. 

Her tweet is just another example of a party-wide commitment to hurt NH to get their way. Who wouldn’t want to elect someone like that? A few of the commenters under her tweet for starters.

Here is one of my favorites, especially for the sciency Miz Messmer.

MA also says you should quarantine for 14 days if you visit their state. Also, NH says the says the same for coming back to this state. Don’t pick and choose which guidelines to follow. So, that will be a month long trip to the market.

One of the arguments for mandating masks and prolonging our time in political prison is that northern Massachusetts is a viral war zone. A hot spot. A source of plague and political rhetorical ax-grinding by Messmer’s progressive peers. But there she goes, into the belly of the beast to grocery shop ‘cuz mask mandates.

The average cloth or medical mask can’t stop an actual airborne virus. They do nothing for cross-contact contamination – how many people touched that item before you did?

Going anywhere in public (like a grocery store) makes it almost impossible to stay 6-feet away from everyone, not that this matters or makes a difference. The one-ways and signed are virtue signaling and possibly recommended by legal.

Even if they did have some benefit (other than false hope, the meatless burger, and Non-GMO Fair Trade potatoes of the Democrat party), a majority of residents don’t need them. They certainly don’t need to be forced to wear them.

But Mindi wants them mandated.

Speaking of which, per the tweet above, will Mindi 4 MA self-quarantine upon her return?

Whether she does or not, can we please make sure she keeps tweeting? Running for public office in favor of long term lockdowns and economic and personal ruin – and then letting “the mask slip” by running to another state to spend your money is priceless.

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