In 2014 Rick Dowd was a Republican for Democrat Peggy Gilmour

Few knew just how big a fan of Peggy Gilmour, Rick Dowd Really Is
Few knew just how big a fan of Peggy Gilmour, Rick Dowd Really Is

Peggy Gilmour is a progressive Democrat. She’s very progressive. She worships at all the progressive totems. Speaks the language of the left. She likes more taxes, more regulation, and less local control.

In 2014 Nashua Alderman Rick Dowd endorsed Democrat Peggy Gilmour. Dowd was a Republican for Peggy. He supported her instead of an actual Republican, Kevin Avard.

And now Rick is pretending to be both a Republican and Peggy Gilmour.

Avard beat Gilmour for the seat in 2014. He beat her again in 2016. And now Dowd (The Peggy Gilmour Republican) is challenging Avard in a Republican primary for the opportunity to be Peggy Gilmour because Peggy isn’t running.

If Dowd wins the Republican primary on September 11th, New Hampshire State Senate District 12 voters can choose between a Democrat and a Republican who prefers a liberal progressive candidate over an actual Republican.

I advise Republicans to vote for Avard in their primary.




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