Dems on The Wrong Side Again But The Appearance Of Action Makes Them Look Right

Steve MacDonald
David Hogg and the left call hem out: Donations triple.
David Hogg and the left call them out: Donations triple.

Parkland is moving Democrat legislators and the media, but as I pointed out here yesterday, I think progressive-ghetto tunnel-vision has catalyzed the inside of a very small bubble.

I think the left is really overreaching on Parkland and the media is making them arrogant. They are going to keep at it the way the kept at it until Hillary lost. It feels like that sort of deep dive into a shallow pool.

The 2016 Election map shows Democrats as a fringe party, but thanks to a very biased media they appear more significant. That has advantages. They can punch above their weight and do. It also misleads them into thinking the nation is with them just because they all agree with each other. But some crucial reports suggest this is not the case.

NRA donations have tripled since Parkland. (emphasis mine.)

Reports from the Federal Election Commission showed that donations to the NRA’s Political Victory Fund tripled from $248,000 in January to more than $779,000 in February, CNN reported.

Further, the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks political spending, tracked itemized contributions before and after the Feb. 14 shooting and found that the NRA received twice as much money from nearly five times as many donors in the seven days after the shooting than it did in the seven days before.

In other words, the Koch Brothers didn’t write a check. There was a massive upswelling of support from every-day America for an organization that exists to educate and trains cops, security folks (like the ones guarding the March for our lives) and citizens in the safe care and lawful use of firearms. And they defend the second amendment. Or at least they are supposed to do that.

As such Alinsky’s rules, by which the left lives, demands that the NRA be the isolated target they freeze, attack, demonize and display for all to see as some devil responsible for the actions of anyone who uses a gun illegally.

Nothing the Left does works without that target because more often than not a facts based evaluation of policy solutions fails. And when it comes to Parkland the Democrats go-to replacement for the right of self-defense failed at every opportunity.

In fact, Democrat policy exacerbated the issues that lead to the shooting.

Complete. Total. Failure. A failure that justifies a majority of the people’s distrut about the ability of the state to protect them.

The Democrat response to failure is to put survivors on pedestals who don’t even know how to shave so they can point fingers at NRA instead of those responsible. The Federal Government, County Government, the School district, and Democrat party policies.

So why is the NRA is more popular after the left attacked them? Why is it that every time David Hogg speaks they get more money, gun sales surge, and people stock up on ammo? Because they don’t trust the government and they don’t trust Republicans to protect their rights?


Or is it just arriving at an obvious conclusion? The best defense is an armed law-abiding populace, hey, let’s support the NRA?

The other piece of evidence that suggests the blue tunnel is exceptionally narrow on this issue is Mr. Trump’s popularity. According to CNN, he’s up 7 points from February.

There is no up from the perspective of the left with Trump, only down, not they left any room for down.

But the economy is improving despite Democrat obstruction and media reports, but they don’t see much else clearly outside their bubble.

They do, however, do a great job of motivating their base with anger and frustration based on half-truths and outright lies. So none of these contrary signals matter if the Republican base, independents, and Trump voters do not take the threat they represent to free-market capitalism and individual liberty.

Dems are going to show up at the polls. If defenders of rights and liberty do not go out and vote to protect and defend their hard-fought victories, the left will impose their will swiftly and without a care for what most of America wants.

Schumer won’t fret about the Filibuster he’ll dump it to advance a progressive agenda.

Republicans need to stop screwing around and get some s*!t done (or undone as the case may be) because that’s why we sent them there. That’s why people risked being pilloried to vote and show support for this President.

If you fail them, they will let you pay for it. And the nation will suffer for your indifference.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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