Like I said, a lot of small organizations laser focused on specific issues here in NH and the march continued at the CNHT Annual Picnic.
- Two of those came up at the same time: NH Families for Education and School Choice NH represented by Michelle Levell and Doris Hohensee. Both on the issue of education and it is easy to see what their overall thrust is – WHO should be in charge of childrens’ education?
- And a group that has taken a lot of grief over the decades, the John Birch Society, was represented by Bill McNulty. Concentrating on the Constitution and our governance by it, it is clear that their major concerns have come true – under Obama, we have almost become a post-Constitutional nation. Given that, and the complete disdain for its check-and-balance philosophy, they can say “hey, we warned you”.
Previous video:
- CNHT Picnic – former VA Governor Jim Gilmore
- CNHT Picnic – former VA Governor Jim Gilmore interview with GraniteGrok
- CNHT Picnic – former HP CEO Carly Fiorina
- CNHT Picnic – Zack Carrier for the Ted Cruz campaign
- CNHT Picnic – NH State Rep Victoria Sullivan for the Rand Paul campaign
- CNHT Picnic – Taylor Baxter, also for the Rand Paul campaign
- CNHT Picnic – Tom Mulkeen for the Jeb Bush campaign
- CNHT Picnic – Tom Colantuono for the Chris Christie campaign
- CNHT Picnic – Chris “Woody” for the Dr. Ben Carson campaign
- CNHT Picnic – Sarah de la Serda for the Dr. Ben Carson for President campaign
- CNHT Picnic – Matt Ciepielowski for the Trump for President campaign
- CNHT Picnic – Kimberly Morin for the Women’s Defense League of NH
- CNHT Picnic – CNHT Chairman Ed Naile on Voter Fraud
- CNHT Picnic – Diane Bitter for the 603 Alliance
- CNHT Picnic – Kurt Wuelper for the NH Right T0 Life
- CNHT Picnic – Paul Best representing the NH Liberty Alliance
- CNHT Picnic – Cindy Howard for the Claremont Citizens for Limited Taxes