In addition to Jim Gilmore and Carly Fiorina, some local NH folks acted as stand-ins (or “surrogates”) for other Presidential campaigns:
- Zack Carrier for the Ted Cruz campaign
- NH State Rep Victoria Sullivan for the Rand Paul campaign
- Taylor Baxter, also for the Rand Paul campaign
- Tom Mulkeen for the Jeb Bush campaign
- Tom Colantuono for the Chris Christie campaign
- Chris “Woody” for the Dr. Ben Carson campaign
Zack Carrier Victoria Sullivan
Taylor Baxter Tom Mulkeen
Tom Colantuono Chris “Woody” Woods
Previous video:
- CNHT Picnic – former VA Governor Jim Gilmore
- CNHT Picnic – former VA Governor Jim Gilmore interview with GraniteGrok
- CNHT Picnic – former HP CEO Carly Fiorina