You might not be at all surprised to learn that Daniel Barluschke was registered and voted (as a Democrat) from New Hampshire Democrat Mille Knudson’s home on 93 Noons Quarry Road in Milford, NH in the 2008 general election. [Knudson (D-Milford) was actually running for the NH House while Daniel was voting from her home.
Daniel hails from Berlin Germany but went to college at McGill University in Canada and spends most of his time on foreign soil, though he did spend his time in New Hampshire working for Obama For America (and voting from Milli’s home). He left in 2008 and came back in 2012, still with OFA, but he didn’t necessarily come alone.
Melissa Shohet may or may not know Daniel Barluschke but she also went to McGill University in Canada.
She was recently working for the Terry McAuliffe campaign in Virgina, and is also an intern working for Democrat US Senator from Hawaii Mazie Hirono in DC. Melissa will probably be returning to Canada and McGill if she has not done so already but while she is passing through New Hampshire Melissa can (perhaps take a moment to) wave and smile at the beautiful home belonging to Michael K. and Christine M. Brown at 5 Stone Post Road in Salem New Hampshire. That is where Melissa claimed domicile so she could vote Democrat in New Hampshire before she left for her planned DC internship and to work for McAuliffe in Virgina.
So Barluschke is an out of state voter from Berlin, Germany and McGill U in Canada, who voted in NH from Milli Knudson’s home in Milford while she was running for elected office in 2008.
Melissa Shohet is going to McGill as well and voted in NH from the Brown residence in Salem, knowing she was leaving for a DC internship with a Democrat US Senator and since having worked for the McAuliffe campaign in Virgina, before likley returning to her college career in Canada. (I wonder if the Brown’s were as equally unsure of Melissa’s intent to live NH as Fuller-Clark claims she was?)
The McAuliff Campaign in Virgina is where Janice Rottenberg is working as a regional field director–after she voted from Democrat Cindy Rosenwald’s Home in Nashua, where Paolo Cozzi of Sommerville MA votes, when he votes in New Hampshire.
Katherine O’Neill is working for US Senator Ben Cardin in DC, she voted from a home in Concord, NH then left.
And don’t forget Ellen R. Whelan-Wuest, who worked for a NY State Senator and voted from NH Democrat and NH State Senator Martha Fuller Clark’s home, then left.
You notice a pattern? They all have a profile that even the dumbest FBI agent could follow. New Hampshire was full of them, they all came, voted, and left, and only the NH AG’s office would never connect them or the very real fact that they all had someplace else to call home, a place to vote other than New Hampshire, and someplace else to be right after they voted in New Hampshire.
So why is Melissa Shohet an intern in DC for the US Senator from Hawaii when she is going to College in Canada, and working for a Democrat Governor in Virgina over the summer? She’s from Hawaii. Went to High school there, and everything. She’s not from New Hampshire, and she never will be.
Didn’t I say it was going to be a long, cold winter for New Hampshire Democrats?
Stay tuned. There’s more…