One of Terry McAuliffe’s Regional Field Directors Was Registered to Vote In Nashua NH

New Hampshire Democrat Cindy Rosenwald should have become infamous for her remarks on the Patch in which she admitted that the departing Democrat legislative majority, and party leadership, knew there was an $800 million dollar hole in the New Hampshire budget and that they (Democrats) knew they would have to cut.  This was all forgotten in the narrative-writing whirlwind that surrounded the new Republican legislatures follow-up budget in which they went about doing what Cindy had claimed Democrats had planned all along.

Well, she’s got another opportunity for fame and misfortune.  Elected house Democrat and Fiance Committee and party leader Cindy Rosenwald has the additional distinction of having allowed someone who is currently a regional field director for Virginia candidate for Governor Terry McAuliffe to register to vote from her home in Nashua last November.

Skip broke the story last night on the Grok.  He nick-named Rosenwald’s 101 Wellington Street in Nashua home “The Rosenwald Rest Home for Wayward Voters.”  I was thinking more along the lines of the “Rosenwald’s Vote Fraud Redoubt”, or “Cindy’s Nashua ballot Box Buffet-  “Everyone leaves stuffed.”

Cindy has harbored other vote-stealers.  Paolo Cozzi from Massachusetts checks in regularly at the single family home of Democrat State house Rep Cindy Rosenwald.  He registered to vote from her home in 2008 and again in 2012.  He voted in Massachusetts in 2010–I guess the Machine though the vote might actually be needed back home that year.  But back to Rottenberg.

  • Janice RottenbergJanice Rottenberg (LinkedIn info) – Regional Field Director for Terry McAuliffe’s Virginia Gubernatorial campaign


Janice, aside from fitting the OFA campaigner turned New Hampshire Democrat vote-stealer template to a tee, also served on the President’s 2013 Inauguration committee, something she shares in common with Ryan Fitzpatrick Flynn, a Martha’s Motel patron who spends most of his time orbiting the fiscal black-hole in Washington DC, but who originally hails from Michigan–but registers to vote in New Hampshire.

Rottenberg currently hails from Arlington Virgina, went to College in Pennsylvania, but is originally from the mid-west, maybe even knows Michigan Flynn.

So let me see.  We’ve got a crowd of out of state campaign operatives registered to vote in New Hampshire from a prominent Democrats home in Portsmouth.  We’ve got the adult children of a former Elected new Hampshire Democrat registering to vote in New Hampshire.  We’ve got more out of state campaign operatives registering to vote from the home of a prominent New Hampshire Democrat in Nashua, one who is now working on the campaign of a candidate for Governor of Virgina.

No.  We do not expect any changes to New Hampshire’s election law anytime soon, unless it is to loosen it further.  So we’re resigned ourselves to observing and reporting what we find.  Oh, and since we we’re brought up to share, sometimes we might do something like this.

I found out you are involved in a really dirty campaign in Virginia, working for a low-life Clinton money man turned candidate – after stealing a vote here in my state, naturally, I pick up the phone and call:

(703) 766-0635, that would be the number for Cucinelli for Virginia, and I will talk to the Cucinelli for Virginia, Regional Director! It is that simple.

That’s from our good friend Ed Naile.  He called the Cucinelli campaign in Virgina and told them about Janice.  He’s just doing some sharing.  Sharing the wealth…of information we have about the activities of campaign professionals who happen to have voted from the homes of prominent New Hampshire Democrats.

It’s all about the sharing.

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