I have a great idea for a public relations campaign for the Granite State. It goes something like this.
“I live in Massachusetts, but I vote in New Hampshire!”
“I live in Washington DC, but I vote in New Hampshire.”
“I live in (Insert name of other state here), but I vote in New Hampshire!”
I picture a series of these declarations from clean cut students, women of color, men dressed as blue collar workers, Female executives, and don’t forget single mom’s!
You can just replace “Insert name of other state here” with any other state or even country and it works. Electoral Tourism. Voter-Vacations. Gotta Love Leaf-Peeping-Liberals. Be A November Drive-by-OFA-Ballot-box bandit. And another example of that is Martha’s Motel-resident Ellen Rose Whelan-Wuest (Ellen R. Whelan-Wuest, Ellen Whelan Wuest)…
…Ellen R. Whelan-Wuest, whose claim to fame prior to using Martha Fuller-Clark’s home as an electoral cat-house, was as a congressional Senate staffer for then US Senator Barack Obama.
Hang on to your manufactured outrage people, I just called Martha Fuller Clark’s home an electoral cat-house. A left-wing misogyny re-direct is imminent. A vote is, of course, genderless, as is a home or house–though some homes may be inclined to cross-dress–so it will be interesting to see how Harrell ‘Jersey Shore’ Kirstein mangles my obvious intent to fill his hay wagon. Electoral meaning-votes, cat-house meaning…easy, sum equals easy votes. He’ll water-board the crap out of, don’t you worry.
But back to Ellen Rose Whelan Wuest.
Whelan-Wuest is a campaign professional currently based out of New York City (New York City!) Brooklyn–actually, with ties to North Carolina-college, Middlebury VT-boyfriend/Husband’s college, whose family hails from Chicago, where more black teenagers are probably killed and ignored by Democrat axe-grinders every year than actually live in the Granite State. Notice there’s no New Hampshire. She just works the ballot in NH.
She is a professional Democrat, who has lived/worked mostly in Brooklyn/NYC the past several years (for a NYS Senator and a Big NYC Social Justice Non-profit), but vacations in New Hampshire when votin’ time is near. She probably voted here in 2008 and then helicoptered back four years later in 2012 to vote for Obama and every other Democrat up and down the ticket, including her so-called host, State Senator Martha Fuller-Clark.
Fuller Clark said Whelan-Wuest worked for the Obama campaign in 2008, while adding “I don’t really remember how long she was here.”
“I believe she moved out of state,” she said.
Yeah. She milked that cow in2012 as well…lived in your house, but you’re not sure how long she stayed becasue….she didn’t? Used your address though. Why is she still registered to vote in Portsmouth, NH? Didn’t we purge the voter checklists?
I’m surprised no one seems to have a problem with a former elected official who is running for re-election, housing out of state Democrat operatives in her home who are so often being paid by Democrat Congressman and Democrat political machines, so they can vote for her. Forget the hinky helicopter voting-scheme for a minute and ask yourself if twisting the law to allow out of state Democrat voters to come stay in your house just long enough to vote for you doesn’t sounds a bit like ballot stuffing?
These people live someplace else the other four years between presidential elections. They have lives and families outside of New Hampshire. But they all live in places where the Democrat vote is just another dime on a limousine Liberals fortune. So instead, they come here year after year at the invitation of State Democrat party leaders to vote for them and their Democrat candidates.
The end result of that is not the electoral voice of the people in your town, district, county or any part of the state of New Hampshire. It is the voice of a State and national Democrat party willing to flood every targeted district with out-of-state Democrat helicopter voters to tip every close race in their favor, year after year. A Democrat win in this state is not and cannot be considered a mandate to rule no more than their changing the law, or getting it changed to allow them to stuff ballots is anything other than that–ballot stuffing.
OFA activist and professional Democrat operative Whelan-Wuest is not from here, will never be from here, and serves only one purpose. To spend out of state money on Democrat campaigns in New Hampshire and to wipe out an opposing vote by an actual resident of the State. And now that OFA has taken up permanent residence here we can expect her to be back long enough to steal another vote in 2016, if not in 2014 for Jeanne Shaheen.
It’s a joke.
The real joke, of course, is that the PR campaign I started this post with has been run by New Hampshire Democrats for over a decade now. The other joke is that we had close to 100,000 same day registrants on election day, at least 4000 of whom so far have disappeared from our electoral landscape. That’s at least 400o votes from people who came, voted, and went back home out of state. People who voted for your state reps, who voted on your state constitutional referendums, your congressman, and your governor. Sorry. They may not actually be your state rep or governor, nor your state constitution. They belong to out of state voters, but they’ll be spending your money and passing laws you have to follow.
It sure would be nice if you actually had a voice in some of that? But as long as you let the left flood your state with these people at election time, you have no voice. You’re just a taxpaying ATM machine for a State government that has rigged an outcome you will be forced to pay for whether you like it, voted for it, or not.
Note: 8/7 -fixed formatting issues.