All Federal Gun Laws are Unconstitutional - Granite Grok

All Federal Gun Laws are Unconstitutional

I found the article and the included video, linked to below, very interesting.  It argues among other things that the Constitution gives the Federal Government specifically defined powers.  None of those give the Federal government the right to control guns in the hands of citizens.  The speaker argues that citizens have the right to be armed equally as well as the government and that the Second Amendment does not give us the right to have guns and defend ourselves, it only confirms our God given right to do so.

The role that County Sheriffs play in protecting our rights is discussed and “Democide”, the killing of citizens by a government was discussed related to the 20th century.

The speaker talks mostly about the US Constitution with some comments about the Tennessee Constitution which are still probably pretty relevant to most states.  I think it is worth the time to watch this video.

Follow the link if you wish to comment.

