GrokTV Event – Rumney home event for Ovide Lamontagne (Candidate, NH Governor) – Question 4: UN Arms treaty mean US gun control imposed on us?

by Skip

The folks who attended the home event in Rumney, NH for Ovide Lamontagne (vying to be the Republican nominee for NH Governor) changed the topic to one that is near and dear to many (if not most) New Hampshire-ites: Guns and the ability to possess and use firearms.  Why?  In some cases, like moi, simply because it is our Right to do so.  I like making expensive holes in paper targets or making steel flip from side to side or from top to bottom (or visa versa).  Given the news of the day with the UN working on its Small Arms Treaty and the obvious clash with the Second Amendment, as well as the proclivities of the Obama Administration minions to emasculate ordinary citizens, it was only a small amount time before this question would arise.

Question 5:

Ovide, one of the issues going on at the Federal level right now is this arms treaty at the UN and everyone is predicting that that’s probably going to go through and what its going to end up being is gun control. How do we protect ourselves here in NH other than Jerry shooting everyone?  How do we protect ourselves from them coming in and taking our guns?


  • Ovide’s talk
  • Question 1:  The Speaker has announced that he wants to cut an additional 2% out of the budget. what are your feelings on that?
  • Question 2:  Last year, the health insurance at the bank increased by 7%.  We just got new numbers for this year:14%. You know, last time we talked you wanted to join the fight against Obamacare and now the Supreme Court has come out with their ruling. What can you do for the State of NH against Obamacare at this point?
  • Question 3:  Do any tort reform in the State in order to help us?
  • Question 4: Competition in the medical industry.  I want to have a test done and I have to pay for it myself.  I start to call around and I find the best place for me to have it done is Concord Hospital. But in order to go to Concord Hospital, I have to hire a physician at Concord Hospital because my physician cannot send me to Concord Hospital. There’s a problem with that system!


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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