The NHRVC Merges with the RLCNH

Last Friday I announced that some changes were coming with the New Hampshire Republican Volunteer Coalition, the NHRVC.  Well, they are upon us.  Effective today, we have joined forces with the RLCNH, in an effort to create one of the largest Grass roots groups in the state dedicated to supporting and electing  principled conservative and pro-liberty Republicans to office in New Hampshire.

Every member of the NHRVC is welcome to participate in any capacity that suits them, just as it always was with the NHRVC.  And while I will be contacting everyone personally, I have provided links here to help you along.

For those interested in the joining the Facebook Group you can request to do that here.

Join the RLCNH Yahoo! Group here. (Much like the NHRVC Yahoo! Group but quite a bit more active.)

Please feel free to follow the RLCNH Twitter Feed here.

You can subscribe to the RLCNH Report and email updates here.  The sign up box is on the right.

You can provide contact info and sign up as a volunteer here, to do the kind of on the ground, hands on work the NHRVC was created for.

You can even become a full Dues paying member by signing up here.

You decide your level of involvement, from Facebook lurker, to comment junkie, to full membership or anything in between, just like before.  But whatever your speed is, I encourage you all to come an join us so that we may continue to find, support, and elect principled Republicans to office in New Hampshire.

[Updated – I added the RLCNH Yahoo! Email group]

The formal press release is on the jump.

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The NHRVC Is On The Move

The New Hampshire Republican Volunteer Coalition (NHRVC) was founded in the wake of the November 2008 elections to recruit, train, and support GOP activists and campaign volunteers in New Hampshire.   Our mission was to build  a grassroots coalition of highly motivated activists working to elect principled Republicans who stand for low taxes, fiscal responsibility, free enterprise, individual liberty, and most importantly, the U.S. and NH Constitutions.

We grew from just a handful of people trading emails on a Yahoo group to over 4000 members of our Facebook Group, an accomplishment for which I take no credit myself.  But as we have grown, and each of our lives has changed, other factors have made it imperative that we find new and efficient ways to coordinate and consolidate these efforts.  It has also become apparent that we are duplicating work being done by other grassroots groups in New Hampshire.  So while the mission is still as relevant as ever, to continue that mission effectively the NHRVC must adapt.

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NHRVC Web Site

NHRVC LogoThe NHRVC has until now, done most of its business through email groups and Facebook.  And so far they have been extremely effective.  (They played a part in almost every GOP special election win since Nov 2008).

For those of you who do not know who they are the NHRVC is the New Hampshire Republican Volunteer Coalition, a grass roots group that helps activists and candidates find each other.  But not just any candidates, they NHRVC is "working to elect articulate and principled Republicans who stand for low taxes, fiscal responsibility, free enterprise, individual liberty, and most importantly, the U.S. and New Hampshire Constitutions."

That means No RINO’s!

So in the fight to stop the RINO’s and unseat more liberals, we decided to launch a web site, and you are invited to check it out.

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