This was a real full weekend – Gov. Rick Perry at Senator Gordon Humphrey’s, TEA Party Express in Concord, TEA Party Express in Manchester, with a trip to the gun show in Concord (nothing), back to the Belmont range (three new Second Amendment tools and a range renewal, and then a return trip on Monday just to play a bit). So, getting the videos processed and posted is, well, not exactly time friendly.
So, consider this a Grab Bag of videos from a number of events. Let’s start with the last one: TEA Party Express at Manchester. This is of the introductory ceremonies including the National Anthem. The image that will always stick with me is the newly minted Marine standing stiffly at attention in his dress blues (honor Marine at boot camp?) with a crisp hand salute. Then when Sarah Palin spoke, she pointed over to him to acknowledge his presence when she spoke about our military.
Introductory ceremonies
And the other clips:
TEA Party Express – Manchester:
Corey Lewandowski Christopher V Hill
Sharon Angle Lloyd Marcus
Mike George Ray the Bus driver
Ravioli Revue TEA Party Express Singers
NH GOP Executive Board meeting:
Brian Yurek Diane Bitter
Jerry DeLemus
NH Young Republicans’ Lobster Bake and Straw Poll:
Congressman Thaddeus McCotter Rocking out
Stand with Israel rally:
Lame protest signs (and lamer protesters)