Guess who just endorsed NH’s Ovide Lamontagne for US Senate?


The question is: "along the political spectrum of a "1" being Olympia Snow and a "10" being Jim DeMint, where would you be?"

Kelly Ayotte refused to answer the question within the given parameters ("I will listen to the people of NH").

Another said "Mitch McConnell"

Ovide? Back in October, I asked that question of him: listen starting at about 0:40

Well, guess what happened: US Senatorial Conservative leader Senator Jim DeMint endorses NH’s Ovide Lamontagne for US Senate:

 “Ovide Lamontagne is not [the] candidate supported by the Washington establishment, but he is the best choice. Ovide is a proven conservative leader who will stand up to the big spenders in both political parties. Ovide is surging. A recent poll shows that he had jumped into second place and was trailing the first place candidate by only 10 points. Then the Union Leader newspaper endorsed him, giving him another boost in the homestretch. If we’re willing to fight for Ovide in the final hours of this race, he can and he will win this seat for conservatives. Please support his campaign today.”

If you were on the fence before, the choice of which side to fall on is now clear.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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