TEA Party birthday - 1 year old today - Granite Grok

TEA Party birthday – 1 year old today

Exactly one year ago today, a financial reporter for CNBC provided the spark that ignited the TEA Party movement.  What started it?  Rick Santelli merely upset that his money was going to be given to the irresponsible – and that is NOT the American way.  Or, used to be.

Who knew that a few minute of micro-ranting would turn traditional politics as usual into the movement it would be today?  He gave voice to what many were thinking.  Seeing that it was OK, and that they were not alone, traditional Americans, with Freedom and love of the ideals of the Constitution and the Founding Fathers in their DNA, finally took to the streets.

Mocked by the Left, ignored by the Media, and made fun of by Progressive politicians, they were.  

Now, not so much.  What does it say when a former President (who turned a girl’s last name into a verb) has declared a campaign to fight it?  He’ll soon find out that the the campaign of personal destruction only works on leaders – the TEA Party is a pack (and not a herd). 

Besides, we can read Alinksky too – Sir Lewinsky (Rule #5 – but I guess that doesn’t work on the shameless)

(H/T: NewsBusters)
