Crashing the “bash”



Obama Joker



NHTPC contributed to this report.

Concord, NH- At one point about 30 protesters gathered outside the Hermanos Cocina Restaurant in Concord NH on Monday night to greet as many partygoers as they arrived for a far left bash with the nutroots blogger Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, better known as the creator of the “Daily Kos”. Additional special guests were our two US House reps– recently the objects of a missing persons "milk carton" campaign— Carol Shea-Porter and Paul Hodes.

While the scarce-pair dined with their fellow ‘Kossacks’, cars drove by and beeped and waved at the sidewalk Tea Partiers in solidarity.

Every so often, one of the attendees would come out and engage us as we walked up and down the sidewalk in protest of present policies and proposals all destined to ruin our market system and economy as we know it. At one point, Skip started to do a video discussion with one, but when pressed with facts, he went away, apparently unwilling to face such things. Early on, to his credit, Hodes came up the sidewalk and had a few polite words with several of the folks lining the path, but nothing prolonged, nor of substance. THAT he no doubt was saving for his comrades at the private party.

Skip and lib

Later on, an apparently clueless/angry woman came out of the restaurant approached Jane and Ann Marie and asked, “Who ARE you?”

Writes Jane:

Being that we are no one special, “just people” was our reply. She then asked where we get our information. “Common sense” we said. She then tried to play the ‘blame Bush’ game so we reminded her that it wasn’t going to work anymore.

After all, Bush had nothing to do with the failed $787B stimulus package, the $181B deficit of July alone, and we also reminded her that what with Medicare, Amtrak and the PO going broke under government management, how could that same government expect to take over everyone’s health care, even if that WAS constitutional, to which she replied emphatically, “YOU MAKE ME SICK”.

Ah yes… typical and predictable. Proof if anything that these people are clueless and don’t have much ammo in their boxes or brains in their heads — and definitely working off pure emotions incited by the Obama media.

When another cranky partygoer walked by me as I was holding the Obama/Joker image, she called me a "racist" and that I "should be thrown in the stockade." I guess she wasn’t feeling very tolerant at that moment. As she got in her car and began to drive away, she stopped in the road, rolled down her window, and started barking at us one last time before finally leaving.

To our surprise, a short while later, she joined us! Having been sufficiently rattled by our presence, and unable to accept the reality that there are people that disagree with the left-wing agenda promoted by loons like her and her comrades partying with Hodes and Shea Porter, she was back toting her own sign and took a position just down from where we were stationed:



As I left, I told her that she didn’t have to rip the sign off her mailbox just for us! I couldn’t even tell you what she was sputtering while I walked away.

All in all, it was great fun to hang with fellow thinking Americans that feel a need to defend our present system against one that brings with it tyranny and assured failure at some point down the road. 

Here are a few more pics from the event:

pprotesting Hodes, Shea Porter

A few of the Tea Parties standing for a group shot


Obama Joker

"Some men just want to watch capitalism burn"


Calling Paul Hodes

Conchrist blogger Lori calls on Hodes. He actually came up to her and announced, "Well, I’m here." and walked away…


Tea Party

"Bill the Truck Driver" (l) engages in polite sidewalk debate with "Arnie the Lib"(yellow cap) While disagreeing, the discussion was actually thoughtful on both sides. Say what you want about him, Arnie at least does more than just spout talking points like his fellow lefties. Give him an "A" for honesty and an "F" for content…


Shea Porter



Tea Party


And so it goes in the age of Obama…




No doubt her date was with Stupid

Tea Party


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