New Hampshire Benefits From Federal Tax Reform

New Hampshire Benefits From Trump’s Tax Reform

New Hampshire benefits from the Trump’s tax reform. Just as the blind squirrel gets the acorn. The President pushed through Federal tax reform. That action resulted in lower tax rates on businesses. It also has the effect of encouraging investments in communities across each state. Yes, that includes New Hampshire. Tax rates go down… Economic … Read more

Some Unpleasant Truths About Democrats and “Republican” Tax Reform

The Democrats voted against tax reform. One of the narratives of choice was that the middle-class tax cuts were not permanent. Democrat congresswoman Kuster’s press release on why she opposed the reforms is typical. “I support real tax reform that starts with middle-class families and small businesses,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “Unfortunately, the plan forced through … Read more

When Democrats Take Back Congress They Will Repeal Tax Reform

Nancy Pelosi announced that one of the first things Democrats will do when they regain control is to repeal and replace recent Republican Tax reforms. And she promises it will be bipartisan and done in daylight, (unlike healthcare reform, I guess). So, what might that look like? If previous proposals are any indication, Pelosi plans on … Read more

Our NH Democrat Congressional coven beams with pride: “Calif. Dems Propose Amendment to Seize Half of Businesses’ Tax Reform Savings”

For nothing is more “Democratic” than the mantra “your money is our money – you just haven’t realized it yet”.  They proclaim “why can’t we do this; we are a wealthy country” as if they truly believe that your money IS their money to spend because y’all are all too stupid and dopey to spend … Read more

More Armageddon Bonuses as A Result of Tax Reform.

JUST IN: Southwest Airlines to give all full-time and part-time employees a $1,000 cash bonus on Monday & company will also make $5M in charitable donations and invest in its Boeing fleet due to tax reform passage. — CNBC (@CNBC) January 2, 2018

Best way to describe the passage of Tax Reform today

The end is near?  Gosh, I’m still able to post this up so that other thingy that had the Democrats’ panties in a collective wedgie hasn’t come to pass – the Internet is still here. The new Tax Bill – YAYAYA! The Obamacare “get taxed if you decide to do nothing” is GONE! Every tax … Read more

Passage of Tax Reform Results in Holiday Bonuses for Some U.S. Workers

Corporations are announcing last-minute Christmas bonuses for their employees because Republicans and President Trump passed tax reform. “Congress, working closely with the President, took a monumental step to bring taxes paid by U.S. businesses in line with the rest of the industrialized world,” AT&T chairman and CEO Randall Stephenson said in a statement. “This tax … Read more

US Senate Passes Tax Reform

The US Senate has passed a tax reform package. The Washington Post’s opening paragraph is a predictable spin on the left-wing narrative. Yuge breaks for corporations, a mixed bag for everyone else. Over at Red State, where they’ve been critical of Trump and this plan (and the Senate) for months, the tone was a bit different.


Who Will Save Us from Crippling Education Taxes? Not This Crowd!

The Democrat/Progressive supermajorities that voted to override Governor Scott’s vetoes of laws that resulted in the massive property tax bills most Vermonters are receiving this month are now spinning the line that they did the responsible – nay courageous — thing by kicking the can down the road and appointing yet another panel of (mostly) … Read more

Cartoon hit with taxes

No, a 14% Property Tax Increase is Not a Decrease.

If you thought the biggest, most brazen political lie from this past week was “Joe Biden is sharp as a tack,” you would be wrong. That prize has to go to Vermont state Representative Mike Mrowicki (D-Putney), who said in an op-ed that he and the Democrat/Progressive supermajority “…lowered property tax rates — with a yield … Read more