There were two main keynote speakers at yesterday’s NH GOP Annual Meeting were US Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) and former US Congressman (and current MSNBC host) Joe Scarborough). Kelly talked about Obamacare and its effects on NH, tax code, foreign policy, the Benghazi coverup:
Note: A lighter moment right at the beginning of her speech. Heh! I thought lawyers were taught to already ask questions (in court) to which they knew the answer to in court – I guess she was out that day
“What I want to talk to you about today is what I’m hearing and I’m sure what you are hearing the same thing from the people of NH and why it is so important why we win in the elections this year. I know when I stood before you when I ran for office, in 2010, What was one of the main issues in that election?”
What was yelled out in response was not what was expected – and a bit embarrassing: “Immigration“. She QUICKLY said “Obamacare” (and it seemed that the whole crowd laughed, recognizing the problem). But the moment was set.
Joe Scarborough’s speech after the jump: His themes: Obama, Leading from Behine, Obama, wages, devt, Opportunity, Republican history, Unity:
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