“We May Have Overstated Danger of COVID”

Steve MacDonald

Yeah. So. Newsflash. The response to COVID may have been a bit over the top.

The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England told the Covid Inquiry that the Government potentially “overdid” the warnings at the start of the pandemic as lockdowns were introduced and the vulnerable told to “shield”.

He said that the balance in communicating the correct “level of concern” to the public was “really hard”.

It comes after The Telegraph exposed the “psychological warfare” of Project Fear being used by ministers to frighten the public into following rules.

Leaked WhatsApp messages revealed in the Lockdown Files last year showed Matt Hancock, then health secretary, suggesting the Government “frighten the pants off everyone” to adhere to Covid rules.

Prof Whitty told the inquiry: “I was worried at the beginning. I still worry, actually in retrospect, about whether we got the level of concern right.

“Were we either over pitching it so that people were incredibly afraid of something where in fact, their actuarial risk was low, or we were not pitching it enough and therefore people didn’t realise the risk they were walking into,” he continued.

So, yeah. We thought it would be a good time to remind everyone that saying things like this was not unreasonable (Prof Sir Chris Whitty, quoted above, said it in May 2020 – see video at the bottom -without anyone batting an eye). But once the pharmaceutical intervention was available, that sort of banter was practically criminal.

From Off Guardian.

I guess you could say this serves as a reminder that – however monolithic the establishment may seem – it is still made up of human pieces that might not always 100% agree about everything.

Yes, the “covid” scam had the backing of almost every establishment institution on the face of the planet, but those institutions are made up of individuals. And at least some of those individuals probably had doubts.

Probably not moral doubts   – you don’t climb the heights in intelligence or politics without being some type of psychopath – but maybe rudimentary discomfort over fear of discovery and/or failure, or an ego that doesn’t want to be seen to be the kind of person who tells lies, or one narcissistic eye on how they might be remembered by posterity

As we often said during and after, this was just a test, and a few who should not have especially public officials, failed it.

Here is the video mentioned above.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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