Researchers: COVID Excess Deaths Caused by The Response, Not the Disease

by Steve MacDonald

Researchers examining data from 125 countries comprising 2.7 billion people have determined that “Large differences in excess all-cause mortality rate (by population) and in age-and health-status-adjusted (P-score) mortality are incompatible with a viral pandemic spread hypothesis.”

The spatiotemporal variations in national excess all-cause mortality rates allow us to conclude that the Covid-period (2020-2023) excess all-cause mortality in the world is incompatible with a pandemic viral respiratory disease as a primary cause of death.

How or why did they arrive at this conclusion?

Inconsistencies that disprove the hypothesis of a viral respiratory pandemic to explain excess all-cause mortality during the Covid period are seen on a global scale and include the following

Near-synchronicity of onset, across several continents, of surges in excess
mortality occurring immediately when a pandemic is declared by the WHO
(11 March 2020), and never prior to pandemic announcement in any country

  • Excessively large country-to-country heterogeneity of the age-and-health-statusadjusted (P-score) mortality during the Covid period, including across shared borders between adjacent countries, and including in all time periods down to half years
  • Highly time variable age-and-health-status-adjusted (P-score) mortality in individual countries during and after the Covid period, including more-than-yearlong periods of zero excess mortality, long-duration plateaus or regimes of high excess mortality, single peaks versus many recurring peaks, and persistent high excess mortality after a pandemic is declared to have ended (5 May 2023)
  • Strong correlations (all-country scatter plots) between excess all-cause mortality rates and socio-economic factors (esp. measures of poverty) change with time (by year and half year) during the Covid period, between diametrically opposite values (near-zero, large and positive, large and negative) of the Pearson correlation coefficient (e.g., Figure 29, first half of 2020 to first half of 2023)
    One might tentatively add:
  • No evidence of the large vaccine rollouts ever being associated with reductions in excess all-cause mortality, in any country (and see Rancourt and Hickey, 2023)
  • Exponential increases with age in excess all-cause mortality rate (by population), consistent with age-dominant frailty rather than infection in the limit of high virulence

The timing is interesting. The China Virus is the only flu that peaks in the extreme heat of summer, almost exclusively among the vaccinated. I know this research sounds like we’ve got 521 pages of confirmation bias, and you should skim it with that in mind, but this is not the only “science” to suggest or arrive at these conclusions. But in the spirit of scientism, we should presume the matter settled, and anyone who claims to refute it is a COVID Vaccine Death denier.

I’m kidding. We should continue to encourage investigation and research that shows the inefficacy of government interventions of this type and scope. We should also continue to encourage support for the government doing little or nothing, and getting our of the way. Women, children, minorities and the poor will undoubtedly see their lives greatly improved as a result.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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