by Rick Olson


“Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.” ~Barry Goldwater


This weeks RINO OF THE WEEK is 15-term Representative Phyllis M. Katsakiores, Rockingham District 5, Derry. I had to carefully mull over the choices because over the past months the blog has covered very clear examples of RINOism.

I personally like Rep. Kataskiores. I met her once back in 1982 as a high schooler at Pinkerton Academy. She has an otherwise decent and respectable voting record, save for the fact that she signed the pledge to support right to work and then voted against it.  

With the choices being so tight, a feat such as this made the choice clear, despite her NHHRA rating of 87%. With the job market currently attenuated by the disastrous policies of the Obama Administration, our locally elected people need to create those conditions that best enable all people to be employed. Opposing Right to Work  does not do that. Summarily,  it is for that reason Rep. Katsakiores is this week’s RINO OF THE WEEK.


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  • Rick Olson

    Rick Olson is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps, and a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University with a BA in Social Science. Rick subsequently attended Massachusetts School of Law in Andover MA. Rick takes up second amendment issues on Granite Grok, as well as issues surrounding hunting, fishing, trapping and wildlife issues. Rick Olson is a former Police Officer and Deputy Sheriff. He is Past President of the New Hampshire Wildlife Federation, President of the Londonderry Fish & Game Club  Rick is a nationally certified firearms instructor and a Hunter Education Instructor. He can frequently be found teaching Urban Rifle and Defensive Pistol classes as an Instructor with Defensive Strategies in Goffstown, NH.  Rick resides in Manchester with his wife Lisa. He has four children and ten Grandchildren.

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