Saifullah Khan

False Rape Accusers Beware: Defamation Suit Against Jane DOE & Yale University Can Proceed

It all started in 2015, and it has taken almost eight years for Saifullah Khan, a former Yale student and an Afghan refugee whose family fled the Taliban, to see a glimmer of hope for justice.

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mental health anxiety pshchitzophrenia

Gender Identity Disorder is no Longer ‘Gender Identity Disorder’

I’m surprised it took this long, but we’ve arrived. Calling that ‘persistent discomfort (dysphoria) with his or her own sex,’ a “Gender Identity disorder” is outdated. Guess why? It wasn’t difficult, was it? It has the word disorder in it.

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#MeToo vending machine Yale

For the Conscientious “Rapist” – Yale Approves #MeToo Vending Machine

If you thought finding a “snack” machine with everything “but what you wanted” at 2 am was bad before welcome to 2018. Yale, the college not the lock company, has approved an emergency contraceptive vending machine. What the hell is that? It’s a vending machine on a college campus that dispenses ’emergency’ contraceptives. For the thoughtful … Read more

Princeton University Panel Discussion Describes Democrats While Talking About Communism

In a discussion on assessing 100 years of communism, Carlos Eire a Yale history and religious studies professor and an immigrant from communist Cuba said,  “it is possible to speak of communism…as a religion” and one “governed by bad theology.” In the “unforgiving” communist religion, Eire posited, the “oligarchy becomes the priesthood,” and the government becomes … Read more

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