I should give credit where due. Yahoo! News published a piece admitting a supply chain problem that leaves store shelves bare. But their explanation is akin to blaming a spoon for people being obese or a gun for the actions of a killer. It’s not just misleading; it’s backward.
Articles tagged as
Yahoo! News
Correspondent Despondent ‘cuz The White House is Hidin’ Biden’
A member of “the media” is complaining, but what could they have to be upset about, you ask? They have a Democrat Congress with a Democrat President. Trump is gone, and he can’t tweet them into a tizzy every AM. Life should be good, but it’s not.
How About a Little Bias?
Much of the media bais that occures is subtle. From choosing what stories to cover and what to ignore to how issues, ideas, and people are framed in context, word choice and tone convey connotation, intentional or not, to the reader. Here’s a classic example from Yahoo! News. Claudine Zap, writing for The Lookout – … Read more