Sherm Packard yelling at protesters that are on his side WMUR screenshot

The Proverbial Picture Worth A Thousand Words

The screenshot below speaks for itself. But because I love to hear myself talk … Packard and his ilk are controlled opposition grifters. The “real enemy” to this crowd is NOT the Democrats; it is those who point out how the “Republicans” in the NH House do NOT represent Republican voters.

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elon musk toking on a joint

Twitter (X) Reinstating Censorship For The 2024 Election … But Just Keep Pretending 2024 Won’t Be As Rigged As 2020

Please explain to me how any GOP Presidential candidate wins when the “swing States” continue to allow ballot-harvesting … when we have “Election Month” instead of Election Day, so Democrats can harvest votes before voters even have a chance to compare the candidates … when Zuckerbucks and the equivalent continue to flow into “swing States” … Read more

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