What the…fudge happened in the past week that deserves the WTF classification? More than we could ever cover in 15 minutes, but here are a few recent examples, just to get you started.  

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

So many possible WTF’s and so little time but we make time. Here are some of our nominees for the Whiskey Tango Foxtrot of the week.  

When Failure Is More Than Just An Option

CA passes assisted suicide during suicide prevention week. Will the US Navy need an Uber for combat? Inconvenient facts about gender and combat. Did Clinton’s private server improve security? And giving High School Diploma’s out like a participation trophy.  

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

This week we opened with a list of possible Whiskey Tango Foxtrot’s for the week including Palin Parts, Lois Lerner, Barack’s Diet, the EPA, Eric Holder’s “shooter,” and the rising bureaucratic tide in DC.  And we introduce future recurring guest…Haggie Masson.  

August 8th, 2015 Hour One

IN Hour one we introduce future recurrign guest Haggie Masson, Discuss the weeks options for the WTF, and discuss the recent debates with Pete Ingemi on WCRN. Then Jane Cormier joins us to discuss current legal cases involving New Hampshire Right to Life.

Is There Life Before Conception?

We spend a few minutes speaking to Jane Cormier about HB560 and SB 40 (fetal homicide legislation) then close up the program with this weeks Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.  We’ve got RNC Committeeman Steve Duprey on the WTF docket along with the goings on in Garland, the media’s disregard for free speech (when they label it … Read more

Monkey Business

How about a judge giving legal rights to Chimpanzees in a US court of law? “Where would you stick it?” Cigars for Hillary.  Kelly McAyotte rubber-stamping the Loretta Lynch nomination.  And while we’re there, we revisit why Republican leadership in congress is shaping up to be the GOP’s worst enemy.  

Playing Catch-up on Winning The Future…or Whatever It’s Called This Month

Win The Future SputnikWe realize that some of you are just too busy to keep up with all the things going on in the political world and to be honest, so are we.   And when it comes to having a president named Obama every day is some kind of crisis and more often than not, it’s his mouth that has created it.  So it is often necessary, when the opportunity presents itself, too stop and take a quick look back, to see what was happening in the other rings of the circus that we missed.

Enter Ed Morrissey and Hot Air, where they take the time to  chronicle all the Obama-nonsense and let readers vote on which of the many choices is by far the dumbest thing that came out of DEar Leaders mouth that given week.

This weeks walk away winner with 93% of the vote so far is “If you’ve got a business. you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

Obama, having never built anything himself might not be the best judge, but then that is what makes this so precious.

So it this kind of wisdom that has been captured and while there are now 150 weeks worth of winners–and all the entrants in between–I’ve grabbed the ones from 2012 as a prime, with links, for your Sunday evening enjoyment.

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Win The Future (WTF)

Worst recession in history.  Had three years to work on it, two of them with a Democrat majority congress, no budget from the Senate since 2009,  the economy still sucks, we have an election coming up, and what are Democrats running on? – Contraception. – A billionaires Secretary – Dogs Seriously?

Predatory Black Sexuality…or Something.

Racism, like atheism, is a funny thing.  Atheism assumes all the garb of a belief system for the sole purpose of demanding constitutional rights so that it can have preferential treatment over actual religions without any of the same limitations it forces upon them; to the point that forcing the absence of any expression of faith (as a form of faith) is a greater right of faith than actual faith itself.

If people were smart they’d walk into the nearest public building tomorrow morning and start complaining  about the atheism that is being forced upon them by the government.

Racism has similar privileges, afforded to the masters of the Democrat party plantation and their Steve Urkleown "left wing" Uncle Toms.  They are free  to be racists at their convenience, accusing others of it at every opportunity.  Here is particularly stunning example.

“We’re going to see how open [they are] to this black — their ‘new black friend’ when they find out he is harassing blonde women as opposed to black women. That sort of thing of black sexuality — predatory black sexuality. Very frightening in this country, still. Very threatening. So we’ll see how that plays out.”

Predatory Black Sexuality.  Probably not something you talk to the kids about over blueberry muffins and OJ (OJ? – Racist!)  And all this time I though PBS was the Public broadcasting system.  Little did I know it was something I was secretly supposed to be intimidated by. 

To be perfectly honest, when I first heard of it (about fifteen minutes ago) my first guess was that Predatory Black Sexuality was just another course of study at the average left wing University.  And if you take it with a minor in (white?) Women’s Studies I think you can get a shovel ready job as a PR rep for Planned Parenthood.  You remember them?  They are an organization that  takes tax payer money to execute the by-products of the no-strings drive-by hook-up culture-sexuality the left has been selling to inner-city minority populations for the past 50 years.

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Pic-O-The Day Redux (WTF?)

Inspired by this mornings Picture of the Day the NH Tenth Amendment Center’s Dan Kanna, one of our on air guests from last Saturday, took to the digital palette and crafted a new and improved version for us.

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