Bananas: UVM To Open New Pfizer School of Sorcery

With a generous grant from global pharmaceutical giant Pfizer the University of Vermont announces plans to break ground this summer on a new School of Sorcery. Eager to capitalize on a generation still under the spell of Harry Potter, UVM plans to be the first to offer a Bachelors in Divination, Sorcery and Magic (BDSM).  … Read more

Woohoo! National Association of Gals (“NAG”) attacks Rush Limbaugh…

…Rush counterattacks with “Rush Babes for America,” announced today. If you’re a conservative, libertarian, Tea Partier, Movement Conservative, 9/12er, Patriot, libertarian-conservative, Constitutionalist, or right-anarchist female, go there and LIKE it! 

(“NAG,” by the way, is the alternative name for the so-called National Organization for Womyn, a left-wing, statist, anti-American, collectivist, anti-male and anti-women organization…for Witches only! Heh! And LOL!)

Oh! One other thing. This from a posting in the Advice Goddess Blog: “The last smart feminist was Camille Paglia. Since then, its been idiocy, entitlement, and self pitying women as victims whining. If you ever want cheap free entertainment, call an outspoken feminist an annoying wench and watch her burst into flames.”

Camille Paglia? Here’s what she said about Rush Limbaugh during his 2009 drug addiction episode:

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