If you had not heard, Wes Champon recently passed away. We published several Op-Eds by Wes in the early days of his activism, which he continued up until his passing.
Wes Chapmon
The Elephant in the Room
Possibly you have heard the “good news.” With the budget held hostage, your Freedom Caucus Representatives have reached a backroom deal with the Governor over State of Emergency (SoE) reform.
The Sky Is Falling, You Must Hate Babies and We Will Side with the Democrats If You Don’t Give Us What We Want!
…and a bear and tiger and lion too… Oh my! – There’s a lot of sound and fury right now in NH GOP politics over the budget (HB2) but the facts are really pretty simple and how and why we are here is really pretty sinister. So grab a coffee and let’s unpack some of this hot mess.
Live Stream Windham Audit Update – “Here are my Concerns”
I attended the live-stream meeting with Bob Giuda and Harri Hursti, the tech guru and self-proclaimed hacker responsible for the “forensic” audit of the voting machines used in Windham.
Do We Really Have Any Voice?
Do we really have any voice when our government no longer believes it has any constitutional obligation to actually HEAR the people’s grievances in the form of petitions and remonstrances?
The NH GOP is Attempting to Overturn The Election of Grafton County Republican Committee Officers
The NH GOP is attempting to overturn the election of Grafton County Republican Committee Officers which took place at a meeting on Jan 11th called by Randy Subjeck (whom the NH GOP recognized as the legitimate Chairman).