Kilauea Alert Level Red – Major Eruption Imminent

Ash cloud KilaueaFrom USGS.

As of early this morning, eruption of ash from the Overlook vent within Halemaumau crater at Kilauea Volcano’s summit has generally increased in intensity. Ash has been rising nearly continuously from the vent and drifting downwind to the southwest. Ashfall and vog (volcanic air pollution) has been reported in Pahala, about 18 miles downwind. NWS radar and pilot reports indicate the top of the ash cloud is as high as 10,000 to 12,000 feet above sea level, but this may be expected to vary depending on the vigor of activity and wind conditions.

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Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano Has Been Busier Than Usual in the Month of May

LI-55b-Hawaii-NASA-image-e1526097579224Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano has been busier than usual in the month of May.

As of this post, 27 homes have been destroyed, 1,900 residents have been evacuated and thousands more are poised to do so, Hawaii National Volcanoes Park is closed, and crews are scrambling to remove tens of thousands of gallons of highly flammable chemicals from a geothermal power plant out of the path of the lava flows.

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Busting Your Ash

One of my facebook friends was a US aviator who served over Iraq.  He currently flies commercial size aricraft for UPS.  I asked him to clarify the significant risks for pilots confronted by volcanic ash so we could get a better understanding of the problem. "The dangers of flying into volcanic ash can be catastrophic. … Read more

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