World of Wardcraft Unsplash Photos 8RggiY2V8c

Warcraft: How Did the Cult Game Appear on the Big Screen?

Even if you are very far from the world of computer games, we are sure that you have definitely heard the name of the game “Warcraft” at least once in your life.

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Cause and Effect

If exposure to violence in movies or video games is a catalyst for youth violence, is exposure to welfare and other government handouts a catalyst to generational dependency? The answer to the former is that exposure to the latter is more likely to result in youth violence as they look for the only ways left … Read more

Medal of Honor: Warfighter – Trailer

Here’s the single player launch trailer for Medal of Honor: Warfighter.   It looks good.  May life imitate art.

Well, This is What We’ve Been Waiting For…

We’ve been waiting months, even years, but the day has finally come. That’s right!  HALO 4 has arrived with the return of Master Chief.  (There is also that election thingy….the one that sucked up more of my life than I’ll ever spend playing HALO 4…)  

Impressive. Most Impressive.

You don’t have to be into Marching Bands to like this palate cleanser.   This is the Ohio State marching band and their tribute to video-games.  Pay particular attention to the six minute mark.  It is very much worth the wait. H/T Hot Air

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