Media Revolt? Don’t Hold Your Breath.

The Univison interview of Barack Uh..Um..Er..Oh..Bama will go down in history as perhaps the first time Barack Obama has had to face tough questions, as president, from the media.  This is in part because the media loves him, and in part due to the administrations ability to use that love-affair to control the message, by controlling the questions.   So did the Obama cabal just assume Univision was safe territory?  It wasn’t.

The interviewers asked hard questions and had no patience for all the side-stepping and posturing, summed up in the quest to understand how, having complete control of congress and the White House for two years, they completely ignored immigration policy.  Democrats  did on all counts, ignore it.  Obama tried to blame Republicans.

Obama also tried to blame Bush for Fast and Furious but previous similar programs were canceled by Bush becasue they didn’t work.  ABC news is first out of the gate to call Obama out on it.

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