Did Bedford Make a BIG MISTAKE Electing Senator Jeanne Dietsch?

In 2017 parents finally enjoyed a victory for parental rights.  Governor Sununu signed an important law that supported informed consent by a parent/guardian before their children could participate in a non-academic survey. What’s so bad about non-academic surveys in our schools?  A LOT. Google inappropriate surveys in schools and you will find examples of surveys … Read more

Well, the Spenders in Gilford may still lust after “free” taxpayer money – but Troy, Michigan has figured it out!

by Skip

Free money from the Feds, from the State, from the County…..Free!  Free!  Free!  Hey, grab it, because that money is FREE to our taxpayers – it doesn’t cost US a thing!  But those that wish to spend it, that lust after it, they hate it when the obvious truth comes out – er, it’s not free.  The money that they are so eager to lay their hands on has to come from somewhere – and the only answer is “from other taxpayers”.  As the money comes in, with such soothing dulcet tones “think of all of the things you can give to your constituents, your taxpayers – your voters” as they wave the wads like a hypnotic pendant: spend me, spend me – and make yourselves look like heroes.

Yeah, heroes – as the Feds pile up a $15 Trillion debt by which our present “leaders” are indenturing our great grand-kids.  Heroes, indeed – just call them the “elected gimme group” (as opposed to regular special interest gimme crowd).

Yet, there may be hope – that I am not alone!  In fact, there is one town whose Leaders are being true leaders and not participating in the bankrupting of America.  Even as all those around them castigate them for not taking the money, they show their wisdom by seeing the big picture that others refuse to see (or do not dare to see because of a lack of courage).  The folks in Troy, Michigan have had the courage to do just that.

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