From Obama and Holder to Trayvon Martin and Nickolas Cruz

They should have seen Nickolas Cruz ‘coming’ a mile away but no one paid attention because beginning under Barack Obama and Eric Holder they were trained not to look too hard and not to see too much. Mike Rogers joins me to explain. More ways to listen on the original blog post page

Trayvon, Hurricanes, And Faux Pow Wow Chow

Democrats can't seem to hit anythingIf you’ve recovered from the underwhelming Facebook IPO, perhaps you are ready for this?

Trayvon was beating George Zimmerma badly before the man finally shot him in self-defense.  There is no doubt about that.

So here’s an observation for the anti-second amendment clowns who are always insisting that lawfully armed citizens run away from any conflict (the same folks who hung Zimmerman out to dry on day one).   It’s not so easy to run away when your attacker is straddling you and pounding the crap out of you.


Next Up, the Global Warming denier deniers took another kick to the green chestnuts this week.  Looks like more frequent and severe hurricanes were not in store for US coastlines due to the all-powerful invisible sky god known as Global warming; and we may have Al Gore to thank for that. (I guess it’s not just snow he can summon with his very presence.)

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“Negros With Guns”

Ann Coulter relaxing on back porch....

Ann Coulter, despite her recent foolishness in attacking Newt Gingrich, is nearly always, ahem, “on target.”

As with her recent column, “Negros with Guns,” which starts out like this:

Liberals have leapt on the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida to push for the repeal of “stand your ground” laws and to demand tighter gun control. (MSNBC’S Karen Finney blamed “the same people who stymied gun regulation at every point.”)

We don’t know the facts yet, but let’s assume the conclusion MSNBC is leaping to is accurate: George Zimmerman stalked a small black child and murdered him in cold blood, just because he was black. If that were true, every black person in America should get a gun and join the National Rifle Association…

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Left Wing Liars – A Few Examples.

The Today show is under “Investigation” by NBC after…”the morning show aired an edited conversation between George Zimmerman and a 911 dispatcher recorded moments before the shooting. The investigation came after Fox News and others pointed out that the network spliced two parts of the call together, making it appear as if Zimmerman had said, “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.” In reality, Zimmerman was answering a dispatcher’s question:”

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy–is he black, white or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.

(H/T Yahoo News)

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