The wretched unfairness of White Privilege…

…is being addressed by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, according to a short piece in the City Journal magazine entitled White Wristbands: Wisconsin Declares War on Caucasian Privilege.


Also interesting is that the Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction tries to explain the situation in an “Important Updated Message” on their website. In somewhat murky language, they conclude with a straightforward denial: “There is no wristband program in Wisconsin.” Instead, they say…

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National Media Theme: Voting Block Is Becoming Less White

Imagine a judicial nominee said ‘my experience as a white man makes me better than a Latina woman.’ Wouldn’t they have to withdraw? New racism is no better than old racism. —Newt Gingrich

The vote is in. Obama is still President. The Republican establishment got exactly what they wanted: Romney as a candidate; a losing candidate. And despite their tireless inane mantra during the primaries exclaiming, “Romney is the only guy who can beat Obama” So what be the post-game analysis now? Romney lost. Romney was never a conservative. He said he was a conservative but we all knew differently…and like so many others we voted for him because voting for Obama was not an alternative for us.

But the real story here is what the biased, liberal  in-the-bag lamestream media has to say about it the morning after:  America, because it is less white, voted for Obama.

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