In this installment of their weekly Sunday Six conversation, PF Whalen and Parker Beauregard of The Blue State Conservative discuss six conclusions we can draw from the anti-vaccine mandate protests sweeping across Canada.
The Blue State Conservative
Does Sotomayor Not Trust The Science?
Throughout the pandemic, our ruling class has demanded that the vast majority take unprecedented steps to protect the minute minority. Kids have been asked to sacrifice their academic growth and emotional wellbeing so that teachers’ unions could collect dues while their members cowered behind screens.
Covid’s New Normal: White People Are Denied Equal Access To Healthcare
Among the many Covid-related stories emanating from New York (mayor-elect Adams maintaining the vaccine passports, AOC bailing on her locked-down constituents for the free state of Florida, etc.), another alarming piece detailed how health officials are prioritizing Covid testing based on race.
An Early Note To Aspiring 2024 GOP Presidential Candidates
The list of likely GOP candidates will perhaps be the shortest than in recent memory. I don’t think I am alone in thinking only Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis will lead the ballot in 2024. That’s immaterial, though, because a list of two or two hundred needs to be told the same thing.
Ron De Santis: “You Don’t Have The Right To Do Wrong”
Last week, in the community of Brandon, Florida, Governor Ron De Santis summarized the vision of governance that should be the model for all aspiring and current conservative lawmakers.
Kendi And Kaepernick: The Failed Narrative Of Black Oppression
If you’ve ever seen The Princess Bride, there is a scene where a desperate Prince Humperdinck rushes down to Westley in the pit of despair and maxes out the life-sucking machine. It is an ostensible act of murderous outrage rooted in frustration and failure to control a false narrative.
WAKE UP: The Villains Are Not Alec Baldwin and Brian Laundrie’s Parents
I did not cover the Gabby Petito/Brian Laundrie saga except for a single time, and that was to comment on how a national news blitz over self-proclaimed social media influencing losers represents the decline in the American public.
How the Left Has Redefined Words in the COVID Era
From the beginning of the alleged pandemic, the ruling class has been as dishonest as possible in their response to Covid. Much of their power over the hysterics have derived from the manipulation of language. At times it was counterintuitive, but fear overpowers reason in weak-minded people.
Extending The Logic Of No Vax, No Service
Leftists want to ruin Americans’ lives for not conforming to Covid fear porn or complying with vaccine mandates. No effort has been made to convince us Covid is scary or the vaccine is worthwhile; instead, they lie to us with cheap statistical tricks and admonish us with thinning patience.