Mirror mirror….

Miz Sullivan seeks to school us….. If you’d like the skinny on all the private, tax-exempt corporations in NH from 4-H to the SEIU to Philips Exeter, click here and look for the NH section…you can download all of it as a zipped text file or an Excel spreadsheet. In 2012 alone, some $10 billion of income in … Read more

Your friendly neighborhood tax-exempt, private corporation, 501(c )3 public charity

SB 102 would allow cities and towns to choose whether to elect or have appointed members of their conservation commission.  Sound reasonable – give voters the choice to elect the folks who have a rather substantial say in the manner in which town monies are appropriated and expended. But no, seems as though the entire … Read more


NARAL, that wonderful, private, totally tax-exempt, 501 (c)(3) public charity corporation, fund-raising on top of the bodies of dead babies. Via Weasel Zippers

Taxes? We don’t pay no stinkin’ taxes!

Taxes? We don't pay no stinkin taxes!
Taxes? We don’t pay no stinkin taxes!

Peggy Gilmour and I were both graduated from college in 1973 (it only took me three years).  She went on for a graduate degree in nursing and I went o nto the family coal business and then some.  Though Ms. Gilmour dropped off the radar screen for a period of time – at least according to the free bits at LinkedIn – at some point in our respective careers, we were both CEOs.  As such, I would like to think that each of us had a passing understanding of state and federal tax codes and the implication of same on our respective businesses; truth be told, it did not take a rocket scientist to understand that the short version is – they either paid taxes on the income they earned or they were exempt from paying taxes on the income they earned.

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