David Clennon Quotefancy-1656277-3840x2160

Notable Quote: Trump is merely the Symptom – it is the Elites that are the Disease

Suddenly, to a lot of voters, those postwar institutional arrangements stopped looking so good. But, of course, the beneficiaries showed no sign of giving them up. This has led to a lot of political discord, and a lot of culture war, since in America class warfare is usually disguised as cultural warfare. But underneath the … Read more

Coronavirus Image- Bostong herald

“PSA – Identifying the Symptoms of #WuhanVirus”

From the folks at the WHO and CDC.  Color-coded for your reference. H/T Doug Ross

Rat Like Cunning Beats High IQ Every Time

Polarization Our country has become pretty polarized. Some see the split between the folks who are in the entertainment sphere, the journalism sphere; the sort of “high IQ” is sphere, and the people who are actually working the jobs that are actually getting things done across the country, the deplorables. The deplorables voice seems to … Read more

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