Following the Trail from Sustainability…to Tyranny (Part 2)

by Tom

Sustainability Ferris Wheel

This is part-2 of a series that breaks down the “sustainability” movement, and explains how some in NH are working to constrain individual liberties with it.  Read part-1 here.

The consummate community organizer, President Obama, knows the value of urban voters.  He knows that urban living, with its clustered, infrastructure-heavy, and herd-like nature, depends on government more than suburban life, and far more than self-sufficient, independent rural living.  He knows that more urban (or urban-like) voters mean utter dominance of the Progressive political class, at all levels.

He also knows that people have flocked away from cities, especially since the 1970’s, forming concentric suburban rings, referred to as “sprawl” (a word you will hear used quite a bit), which provide resistance to his urban, democratic-socialist ideals.

“The suburbs will define the outcome of the 2012 Presidential election”

Continuing to use the environmental movement as cover, and using the Presidency for credibility and funding, Barack Obama and his fellow community organizers are advancing the simmering ideology of “sustainability” by attacking the suburbs.

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GrokTV Event: Part 4 – Jack Kimball and Carson Springer on Sustainable Communities Initiative / Granite State Future Plan

by Skip

Last Wednesday, Diane Bitter (Chair, Rye Republicans) decided to hold a meeting on the “Sustainable Communities Initiative” here in NH.  Sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency, Fed. Department of Transportation, and the Fed. Department of Housing and Urban Development, it seemingly is becoming a way to Federalize our local communities by first entering with “free … Read more

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